
IIS7 Staticfilehandler changing GIF file colors

Environment: 2 IIS7 servers, 1 appears to be compressing images the other is not, i want to turn off the compression. I have a site running on two IIS7 server, when serving images from one server the GIFs look fine, when i serve them from the other instance, with the same files, the GIF color palette looks web safe or compressed or some...

Problem using custom HttpHandler to process requests for both .aspx and non-extension pages in IIS7

I am trying to process both ".aspx" and non-extension page requests (i.e. both contact.aspx and /contact/) using a custom HttpHandler in IIS7. My handler works just fine in either one case or the other, but as soon as I try to process both cases, it only works for one. Please see Handlers snippet from my web.config below: If i keep only...