
Sas Delimiting Character

We are loading a Fixed width text file into a SAS dataset. The character we are using to delimit multi valued field values is being interpreted as 2 characters by SAS. This breaks things, because the fields are of a fixed width. We can use characters that appear on the keyboard, but obviously this isn't as safe, because our data could ...

What is the scaling factor that makes the zero-mean elements have a variance of 1?

What is the scaling factor that makes the zero-mean elements have a variance of 1? ...

Stacked Graphs Design

Hello I need create some stacked graphs and I need a software or java application to design this graphs. Do you know an application to create stacked graphs? Thank you ...

read csv with dates and numbers with R statistical software

I have a problem when I import a csv file with R: example lines to import: 2010-07-27;91 2010-07-26;93 2010-07-23;88 I use the statement: data <- read.csv2(file="...", sep=";", dec=".", header=FALSE) when I try to aggregate this data with other ones originated by statistical analysis using cbind, the date is showed as an integer n...

R: Entering variables into regression function

I have this feature_list that contains several possible values, say "A", "B", "C" etc. And there is time in time_list. So I will have a loop where I will want to go through each of these different values and put it in a formula. something like for(i in ...) and then my_feature <- feature_list[i] and my_time <- time_list[i] then i put ...

R and SPSS difference

i will be analysing vast amount of network traffic related data shortly. i will pre-process the data in order to analyse it. i have found that R and SPSS are among the most popular tools for statistical analysis. i will also be generating quite a lot of graphs and charts. so i was wondering what is the basic difference between these two ...