
Where is ptrdiff_t defined in C?

Where is ptrdiff_t defined in C? If non-trivial, how can I make this type visible from GCC on Linux? ...

Compile time checking existance of stdint.h

I'm working with legacy embedded C code which defines the types uint8_t, uint16_t and uint32_t in a header file using the typedef keyword. For discussion, let us say the file typedefs.h contains these definitions. In my new C source module, I include stdint.h. I also include other header files which include typedefs.h somewhere in t...

Fastest integer type for common architectures

The stdint.h header lacks an int_fastest_t and uint_fastest_t to correspond with the {,u}int_fastX_t types. For instances where the width of the integer type does not matter, how does one pick the integer type that allows processing the greatest quantity of bits with the least penalty to performance? For example, if one was searching for...

Problems installing RMagick-gem in Rails

Hello all I've been plowing through tutorials all day trying to install RMagick, and have gotten pretty far now I reckon, but have stumbled apon an error that I really don't know how to solve, nor get any useful info on. When I try to install the gem, I get this message: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR:...