
get console log on MacOSX from another application

With the application Utilities/, I can see the console output of applications. Is there a way to access this log from another application? To be more specific: I am writing a crashhandler for my application and I want that it attaches the console output to the crash information. ...

What is the simplest way to execute arbitrary process with stdin, stdout forwarded to a socket?

I'm interested in two situations: How to do it from C++? How to do it from system's shell? Answers for Linux, Windows and OSX are welcome. ...

Why does write() to pipe exit program when pipe writes to stdout?

I have a server application that writes to a popen("myCommand", "w") file descriptor in a separate thread and if the command passed to popen() results in any output to stdout or stderr, the my application exits. However, this is only an issue when my server application was invoked via inetd, if I used ssh to launch the server, it does n...

catching stdout in realtime from subprocess

I have read tons of posts but still can't seem to figure it out. I want to subprocess.Popen() rsync.exe in windows, and print the stdout in python. My code works, but it doesn't catch the progress until a file is done transfered! I want to print the progress for each file in realtime. Using python 3.1 now since I heard it should be be...

QProcess::setStandardOutputFile only creates 0kb File

I'm using a simple QProcess-Project on a WindowsXP-Machine: QString program = "U:\\ffmpeg.exe"; QStringList arguments; arguments << "-i" << "U:\\clock.avi" << "U:\\tmp_jpeg\\foo-%03d.jpeg"; process.setStandardOutputFile("U:\\log.txt", QIODevice::Append); process.start(program, arguments); The Process works just fine, ffmpeg creates a...

How do I close the stdout-pipe when killing a process started with python subprocess Popen?

I wonder if it is possible to shut down the communication pipe when killing a subprocess started in a different thread. If I do not call communicate() then kill() will work as expected, terminating the process after one second instead of five. I found a discussion of a similar problem here, but I got no real answers. I assume that I eit...

Is it possible to get the output of a program while it's running?

If I have a windows console program written with c++, is it possible to retrieve that program's standard output, while the program is running? And if not, what would be the best way to rewrite the program? I know I could output to files and continuously check those files for updates. Is there another way? Is there a better way? ...

How do I find the current value of a processes STDOUT in Perl?

I have a POE Perl program forking children. The children it is forking do logging and interactive telnets into remote devices. POE uses STDOUT to return output back up to the parent process but for some reason it's getting lost (not going to screen or to any files). I'm theorising that this is because STDOUT is being redirected somewhe...

freopen_s on stdout causes problems with GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo on Windows

To temporarily redirect stdout to a file, I'm doing: printf("Before"); freopen_s(&stream, "test.txt", "w", stdout); printf("During"); freopen_s(&stream, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout); printf("After"); That works, however doing: CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO sbi = {0}; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &sbi); No lon...

How to redirect stdout stderr in an ant script?

Hi, I am triggering an ant script (via cruise control), and would like to be able to dump the std out and std err for a particular ant target to a plain text file. Yes, I am aware that cruise control already does maintain an XML log file containing this information (among many other things), but for portability reasons, I need this to ...

Python, C: redirected stdout fires [Errno 9]

I try to log all the output of a program written in Python and C. However, printing from Python causes IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Please, does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it? PS: It's on Windows XP, Python 2.6 and MinGW GCC #include <windows.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "Python.h" int main() { int...

How can I implement 'tee' programmatically in C?

I'm looking for a way in C to programmatically (ie, not using redirection from the command line) implement 'tee' functionality such that my stdout goes to both stdout and a log file. This needs to work for both my code and all linked libraries that output to stdout. Any way to do this? ...

printf slows down my program

I have a small C program to calculate hashes (for hash tables). The code looks quite clean I hope, but there's something unrelated to it that's bugging me. I can easily generate about one million hashes in about 0.2-0.3 seconds (benchmarked with /usr/bin/time). However, when I'm printf()inging them in the for loop, the program slows dow...

What is the idiomatic way to capture prints to *out* from a Clojure function?

For example, the prxml function prints XML to *out*. I would like to instead capture this output as a String. Here is the typical usage from a REPL: user> (prxml [:p "Test"]) <p>Test</p>nil I'd instead like to do: (def xml (capture-out (prxml [:p "Test"]))) I made up the capture-out function, but I suspect something like it exists,...

Writing to stdout from within a Microsoft VBA macro

I'm using Python (and the Win32 extensions) to execute macros in an Excel spreadsheet via the COM interface, as shown below: import win32com.client o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") o.Visible = 1 o.Workbooks.Open (r"C:\test.xls") o.Application.Run("macro1") What I'd like to do is have the Excel macro output text warnin...

How to implement a stdin, stdout wrapper ?

I have an interactive program that runs stdin and stdout. I need to create wrapper that will send X to it's stdin, check that it prints Y and then redirects wrapper's stdin and stdout to program's stdin and stdout just like program would be executed directly. How to implement this ? X and Y can be hardcoded. Bash? Python? Edit: I can't...

How can I use Perl to start a Win32 program and redirect its output to stdout?

I have a cross-platform Perl program that starts a win32 windows program on win, and a macosx appliaction on the mac. I use system(), which on the mac makes the stdout of the invoked program, be written in the stdout of the Perl program, which is what i want. On Windows, it seems like there is no way to get the stdout a Windows program...

How to redirect the output back to the screen after freopen("out.txt", "a", stdout)

#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("This goes to screen\n"); freopen("out.txt", "a", stdout); printf("This goes to out.txt"); freopen("/dev/stdout", "a", stdout); printf("This should go to screen too, but doesn't\n"); return 0; } I call freopen to redirect the stdout to out.txt then I print something on th...

Why does this code behave differently in Python3.1 than in Python2.6?

I'm very new to programming so I apologize in advance if my question is too silly. #!/usr/bin/python2.6 import subprocess, time p=subprocess.Popen(['cat'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for i in 'abcd': p.stdin.write(str.encode(i+'\n')) output=p.stdout.readline() print(output) time.sleep(1...

Avoid generating empty STDOUT and STDERR files with Sun Grid Engine (SGE) and array jobs

I am running array jobs with Sun Grid Engine (SGE). My carefully scripted array job workers generate no stdout and no stderr when they function properly. Unfortunately, SGE insists on creating an empty stdout and stderr file for each run. Sun's manual states: STDOUT and STDERR of array job tasks will be written into ...