
Can a PHP script unserialize a Storable file created with Perl?

Can a PHP script unserialize a Storable file created with Perl? ...

How can I use 32-bit Perl to thaw something frozen with 64-bit Storable?

I'm trying to thaw a database BLOB that was frozen using Storable on a 64-bit Solaris (production) machine. When I try to thaw on a 32-bit Windows (development) PC I receive "Byte order is not compatible error". perl -v (on solaris) This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i86pc-solaris-64 perl -v (on Windows) This is perl, v5.10.1 built for MSW...

Can Storable store to the DATA filehandle?

I was curious if using Storable's store_fd and fd_retrieve would allow me to store a data structure into a program's own DATA filehandle. I realize this isn't Best Practice, I'm just curious if it'd work, my quick attempts to try it don't seem to work. ...

Problem storing a hash in DB using Storable::nfreeze in Perl

I want to insert a hash in the db using Storable::nfreeze but the data is not inserted properly. My code is as follows: %rec=(); $rec{'name'} = 'my name'; $rec{'address'} = 'my address'; my $order1 = new Order(); $order1->set_session(\%rec); $self->createOrder($order1); sub createOrder { my $self = $_[0]; my $order = $_[1]; # Retr...

Alternatives to storing Moose object using Apache::Session with CODE references

I have a Moose class that i would like to store using Apache::Session::File. However, Apache::Session::File by default will not store it and instead i get the error message: (in cleanup) Can't store CODE items at blib\lib\ (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\Storable\ This problem can be circumvented by setting $...

Which recommended Perl modules can serialize Moose objects?

I was usually using Storable with nstore, but now I have a module that has CODE and apparently Storable doesn't like that. I found YAML (and YAML::XS which I can't really get to work). I also experimented a bit with MooseX::Storage without much success. Are there other alternatives? What would you recommend? ...