
Just a question about str_replace

Hello, I have a question about str_replace in PHP. When I do: $latdir = $latrichting.$Lat; If (preg_match("/N /", $latdir)) { $Latcoorl = str_replace(" N ", "+",$latdir); } else { $Latcoorl = str_replace ("S ", "-",$latdir); } print_r($latdir); print_r($Latcoorl); print_r($latdir); gives :N52.2702777778 but print_r ($Latco...

Different charset on different server?

I've just tested locally my web application, everything works fine, but after uploading to server application behaves differently. I use function formatiraj_string_url to convert diacritic symbols and get clean url... locally it works fine but on server this function doesnt convert them the same way. Few days earlier I tested this on so...

PHP - Replace strings in first array with values from second array

For some reason I'm struggling with this. I have the following 2 arrays and I need to take the array values from the $img array and insert them in order into the $text array, appending/replacing the %img_ tags, like so: $text = array( 0 => "Bunch of text %img_ %img_: Some more text blabla %img_", 1 => "More text %img_ blabla %i...

PHP readdir with european characters

I get images files which have Czech characters in the filename (eg, ěščřžýáíé) and I want to rename them without the accents so that they are more compatible for the web. I thought I could use a simple str_replace function but it doesn't seem to work the same with the file array as it does with a string literal. I read the files with re...

php str_replace issue or bug?

Hey, I have the following issue; Here is my string I'm trying to remove javascript:l(" from the string below: javascript:l("Bayou-La-Batre"); My code is; $q_string = str_replace('javascript:l(" ','',$row['1']); But it's failing. This is quicker than a regex replace and quicker. Any ideas? ...

PHP: Escaping RegEx-reserved characters - anyone know what's wrong with this?

I'm trying to escape regex-reserved characters with a backslash (don't ask -- suffice it to say I'm NOT trying to parse HTML :) ) And I'm getting something odd. $regex_chars = array('[' , '\\' , '^', '$' , '.' , '|' , '?' , '*' , '+' , '(' , ')'); $regex_chars_escaped = array('\[ ' , '\\\\ ' , '\^ ', '\& ' , '\. ' , '\| ' , '\? ' ...

PHP syntax error on preg_replace method

Hello, I'm trying to do a bbcode parser class that can create personalyzed tags, but I have some problem with urls I've did all I need without particular problems thanks to regular expressions but I have a problem when I try to create a special tag who point to a specified URL. In my class I've added a method like this: <? private...

PHP preg_replace or str_replace

I have some text, something like this: Paragraphs of text (SOME KNOWN TEXT)Unknown Text(SOME OTHER KNOWN TEXT) Some additional paragraphs of text What I want is to keep the Unknown Text, but get rid of the (SOME KNOWN TEXT) and (SOME OTHER KNOWN TEXT). I think the preg_replace will give me what I want, but I need the regular expressi...

hangman "word" in php

I am trying to do something similar to hangman where when you guess a letter, it replaces an underscore with what the letter is. I have come up with a way, but it seems very inefficient and I am wondering if there is a better way. Here is what I have - <? $word = 'ball'; $lettersGuessed = array('b','a'); echo str_replace( $lettersGues...

str_replace string in array number auto increasing

Hi All, what we can do to remove page=2& From: "page=2&param1=value1&param2=value2" or "param1=value1&page=2&param2=value2". become: "param1=value1&param2=value2" or "param1=value1&param2=value2". in case of page=2, 2 is any natural no. i.e. (0 to 32000). Regards, ...

jQuery: Replace $ (currency symbol) to another currency symbol

Hello Gurus, Im looking for function that will allow me to replace all dollar symbols within a div to "CHF" (another currency). The reason is that the currency symbol is hardcoded and it should be replaced. Is there a simple way of doing this? Many thanks in advance. ...

Using str_replace and include together (php)

I have a footer in a web page, the footer is called footer.php. I'd like the footer to have a different image depending on other variables. I want to do something like this: if (x=1) {include (str_replace('logo1.jpg','logo2.jpg','footer.php'));} else {include 'footer.php';} But this doesn't work, it just does a regular include. Is ...

How to highlight multiple keywords in a mouthful in PHP?

Suppose there are 3 keywords, I don't want to do this kind of replace 3 times: a => <b>a</b> str_replace ( 'a', '<b>a</b>', $str) Is it possible to do it by one run? ...

PHP explode the string, but treat words in quotes as a single word.

How can I explode the following string: Lorem ipsum "dolor sit amet" consectetur "adipiscing elit" dolor into array("Lorem", "ipsum", "dolor sit amet", "consectetur", "adipiscing elit", "dolor") So that the text in quotation is treated as a single word. Here's what I have for now: $mytext = "Lorem ipsum %22dolor sit amet%22 consect...

str_ireplace will not work with single quote

I want to replace single quote (') in a string. Apparently this will not work...: $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); $patterns[0] = "'"; $patterns[1] = '\''; $replacements[0] = 'Something'; $replacements[2] = 'Same thing just in a other way'; ...

strange behaviour of str_replace in php

href=" <?php $zzz_stylesheet = ""; echo str_replace(".css","-mytheme.css",$zzz_stylesheet); ?> works but href=" <?php $zzz_stylesheet = bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); echo str_replace(".css","-mytheme.css",$zzz_stylesheet); ?> does not work. Why? bloginfo is a functi...

str_replace in php

hi, i have a long string that can hold all these values at the same time: hello<!>how are you? <!>I am fine<!> What is up? <!> Nothing! I need to find all these posibilities: ' <!> ' ' <!>' '<!> ' '<!>' And replace them with "\n" Can that be achieved with str_replace in php? ...

How to str_replace a section of PHP Code

$embedCode = <<<EOF getApplicationContent('video','player',array('id' => $iFileId, 'user' => $this->iViewer, 'password' => clear_xss($_COOKIE['memberPassword'])),true) EOF; $name = str_replace($embedCode,"test",$content); I'm trying to replace a section of code with another piece of code. I can do it with smaller strings but once I ad...

Replace an array of strings in content for Wordpress

I'm working on a music blog that provides review scores ranging from 0.0 - 10. Since the authors already developed their system of typing in the score in the content, I'm trying figure out a way to emphasis them better. Example: "Score: 6.4" returns something like <div class="score">6.4</div> Is there way to do this in an array t...

PHP template class with variables?

I want to make developing on my new projects easier, and I wanted a bare bones very simple template engine solution. I looked around on the net and everything is either too bloated, or makes me cringe. My HTML files will be like so: <html> <head> <title>{PAGE_TITLE}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{PAGE_HEADER}</...