
Why does MSVC++ consider "std::strcat" to be "unsafe"? (C++)

When I try to do things like this: char* prefix = "Sector_Data\\sector"; char* s_num = "0"; std::strcat(prefix, s_num); std::strcat(prefix, "\\"); and so on and so forth, I get a warning warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. Why is strcat considered unsafe, and is there a...

strcat problem in C, segmentation fault

Hello everyone! i am new to C and recently i have a problem with a strcat function. I have an array of arguments defined like: #define MAXARGS 10; char *argvalues[MAXARGS]; All i want is to concatenate the last non-null element of the array with a null terminator. Here is the piece of my code for that: while (argvalues[i] != NULL) ...