
elegant way to match two wildcarded strings

I'm OCRing some text from two different sources. They can each make mistakes in different places, where they won't recognize a letter/group of letters. If they don't recognize something, it's replaced with a ?. For example, if the word is Roflcopter, one source might return Ro?copter, while another, Roflcop?er. I'd like a function that r...

How can I search for strings with characters not on the keyboard (non-english)?

I have a search form that I want my users to be able to enter English character equivalents for non-English characters. For example. To find Ælfred, the user could search for "Ælfred" or "AElfred". the search should also be case insensitive so "aelfred" would work. I also have it searching so that, by default, it matches the beginning o...

Javascript String Match Vs for loop

Hi All, I have an extjs grid and one of the column renderer function has a for loop which goes through an array of numbers and compares them with the value for every cell for the column in consideration. so I was thinking since the renderer already loops for each row, and now i have for loop runner for each row. The question is should...