
Is it possible to use stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString with Javascript which references local files?

I want to use stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString to run a javascript which references local files (in this case css files, but potentially js files too) which are on the device (in the Documents folder I guess?)... NSString *theJS = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"javascript:(function() {the_css.rel='stylesheet'; the_css.href='...

How do I relate a UIWebView javascript exception's sourceId to a source file?

Short question: What does an exception's "sourceID" refer to, and how can I link it to the relevant source string/file? Longer story: I am running Javascript code in an iPhone native app through [UIWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:]. To help development, and later check user-provided code, I use the following function to ...

UI Webview + Google Maps V3 KML Support?

Hello, For quite some time I've been developing an iPhone/iPad app that uses a UIWebView to display specific KML overlays. Everything has worked fine up until a few days ago, when my KML files suddenly were not appearing on the webview. The javascript used to execute the KML overlay is still working (the map resizes to the intended KM...