
Replicating String.split with StringTokenizer

Encouraged by this, and the fact I have billions of string to parse, I tried to modify my code to accept StringTokenizer instead of String[] The only thing left between me and getting that delicious x2 performance boost is the fact that when you're doing "dog,,cat".split(",") //output: ["dog","","cat"] StringTokenizer("dog,,cat") // ...

C# Tokenizer - keeping the seperators

I am working on porting code from JAVA to C#, and part of the JAVA code uses tokenizer - but it is my understanding that the resulting array from the stringtokenizer in java will also have the separators (in this case +, -, /, *, (, )) as tokens. I have attempted to use the C# Split() function, but it seems to eliminate the separators th...

How to replace tokens in a string without StringTokenizer

Given a string like so: Hello {FIRST_NAME}, this is a personalized message for you. Where FIRST_NAME is an arbitrary token (a key in a map passed to the method), to write a routine which would turn that string into: Hello Jim, this is a personalized message for you. given a map with an entry FIRST_NAME -> Jim. It would seem that ...

How to call split(token) on a string that does not contain the token without causing an error?

I have two types of strings as the IDs of elements in my HTML markup: Dates: "april-23" "march-20" and season names: "springtime" "winter" The dates have a dash separating the month and the day. The seasons are a single word with no other tokens. I want to assign the month or the season to a new variable called: time_of_year ...

Does PL/SQL have an equivalent StringTokenizer to Java's?

I use java.util.StringTokenizer for simple parsing of delimited strings in java. I have a need for the same type of mechanism in pl/sql. I could write it, but if it already exists, I would prefer to use that. Anyone know of a pl/sql implementation? Some useful alternative? ...

Smalltalk, newline character

Does anybody know what's the newline delimiter for a string in smalltalk? I'm trying to split a string in separate lines, but I cannot figure out what's the newline character is smalltalk. ie. string := 'smalltalk is a lot of fun. ok, it's not.' I need to split it in: line1: smalltalk is line2: a lot of fun. l...

problem with stringtokenizer

Hi all, i want to parse the following using StringTokenizer for every string matching "agent>". I tried it using the code like this. Please let me know where i am going wrong. StringTokenizer stringtokenizer=new StringTokenize(hari,"agent>"); while(stringtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); ...

How can i show it at first ?

Hi everyone I wrote a simple java application, I have a problem please help me; I have a file (JUST EXAMPLE): 1.TXT ------- SET MRED:NAME=MRED:0,MREDID=60; SET BCT:NAME=BCT:0,NEPE=DCS,T2=5,DK0=KOR; CREATE LCD:NAME=LCD:0; ------- and this is my source code import; import*; import java.util.StringTokeniz...

Using string tokenizer to set create arrays out of a text file?

Hey. You may have recently seen a post by me looking for help, but I did it wrong before, so I am going to start fresh and begin at the basics. I am trying to read a text file that looks like this: FTFFFTTFFTFT 3054 FTFFFTTFFTFT 4674 FTFTFFTTTFTF ... etc What I need to do is put the first line into a String as the answer key...

trouble with StringTokenizer

Hi all, I'm getting the following error message and I can't seem to figure out the problem. Would really appreciate any help. The error message reads as:- cannot find symbol symbol : constructor StringTokenizer(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String) location: class java.util.StringTokenizer ...

StringTokenizer problem of tokenizing

String a ="the STRING TOKENIZER CLASS ALLOWS an APPLICATION to BREAK a STRING into TOKENS.  "; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(a); while (st.hasMoreTokens()){ System.out.println(st.nextToken()); Given above codes, the output is following, the STRING TOKENIZER CLASS ALLOWS an APPLICATION to BREAK a STRING into TOKENS.  My...

Token replacement

Hey, I currently implement a replace function in the page render method which replaces commonly used strings - such as replace [cfe] with the root to the customer front end. This is because the value may be different based on the version of the site - for example the root to the image folder ([imagepath]) is /Images on development and l...

stringtoList issue

I have a stringtoList ArrayList that needs to return tokens from a StreamTokenizer but the s.sval is not compiling at run-time, can anyone help me with this problem: private List<Token> stringToList(final String string) { // TODO your job // follow Main.main but put the tokens into a suitable list ArrayList<Token> al = new ArrayL...

StreamTokenizer Iterator Adapter help

I have this StreamTokenizer Iterator Adapter that is suppose to create a Tokenizer Iterator Index Builder then build the index from a STIA wrapped around a StreamTokenizer. I am having trouble implementing the hasNext and Next for my STIA, can anyone help me, here is my class: public class StreamTokenizerIteratorAdapter implements Itera...

Java StringTokenizer, empty null tokens

I am trying to split a string into 29 tokens..... stringtokenizer won't return null tokens. I tried string.split, but I believe I am doing something wrong: String [] strings = line.split(",", 29); sample inputs: 10150,15:58,23:58,16:00,00:00,15:55,23:55,15:58,00:01,16:03,23:58,,,,,16:00,23:22,15:54,00:03,15:59,23:56,16:05,23:59,15:55...

C++ String tokenisation from 3D .obj files

I'm pretty new to C++ and was looking for a good way to pull the data out of this line. A sample line that I might need to tokenise is f 11/65/11 16/70/16 17/69/17 I have a tokenisation method that splits strings into a vector as delimited by a string which may be useful static void Tokenise(const string& str, vector<string>& tokens,...

Tokenize problem in Java with separator ". "

I need to split a text using the separator ". ". For example I want this string : Washington is the U.S Capital. Barack is living there. To be cut into two parts: Washington is the U.S Capital. Barack is living there. Here is my code : // Initialize the tokenizer StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("Washington is the ...

How to get numbers out of string?

Hello I'm using a Java StreamTokenizer to extract the various words and numbers of a String but have run into a problem where numbers which include commas are concerned, e.g. 10,567 is being read as 10.0 and ,567. I also need to remove all non-numeric characters from numbers where they might occur, e.g. $678.00 should be 678.00 or -87 ...

help with handling tokenization errors

Hi, The code is in python. Please find below the piece of code that I use to tokenize a string. strList = list(token[STRING] for token in generate_tokens(StringIO(line).readline) if token[STRING]) I get an error that reads like:- raise TokenError, ("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0)) tokenize.TokenError: ('EOF in multi-li...

Better to use regex or Stringtokenizer to find author and book title in this: William Faulkner - 'Light In August'

Is it better to use regex or Stringtokenizer to separate the author and title in this string: William Faulkner - 'Light In August' Is this the simplest regex that would work? Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*([^-]+)-.*$"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("William Faulkner - 'Light In August'"); String author =