
Effcient updates of typed dataset row

Does check if the following update is required? ADDRESS table with a TOWN column, for example. Retrieve a ADDRESS row that has a TOWN value of "Leeds" In update code ADDRESS.TOWN gets set to "Leeds" , i.e. Its not actually changed. We have called Set methods or assignments so RowState gets changed to modified. Does the ada...

Does a typed dataset use reflection at runtime?

Does a typed dataset use reflection on runtime? ...

Dynamic Connection Strings for Strongly Typed DataSet in a Class Library using App.Config

This is my first question on and I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do this. I found a similar question titled: Modifying the Data Source for the Strongly Typed Dataset Connection String. However, the answer provided is not working for me. I'm not able to comment on it because I don't have enough "reputation poi...

TableAdapter to return ONLY selected columns? (VS2008)

(VS2008) I'm trying to configure a TableAdapter in a Typed DataSet to return only a certain subset of columns from the main schema of the table on which it is based, but it always returns the entire schema (all columns) with blank values in the columns I have omitted. The TableAdpater has the default Fill and GetData() methods that come...

Changing the connection string for a Typed Data Set

I created a typed data set in one project, and moved it to another. The orginal connectionstring it created in the settings file was something like "myconnectionstring2". When I moved it to the new project I went into the project settings file and created a connection string called "myconnectionstring". I'm trying to get the typed datase...

DataAdapters against Typed DataSets = SQL Schema nightmares...

I have seen many references stating that TableAdapters are weak and silly, and that any real dev would use DataAdapters. I don't know if that is true or not, but I am exploring the matter, and stressing out over how bad this whole 'DataAdapter/TableAdapter against a Typed DataSets' smells. Let me try to explain... Suppose I have my Typ...

DataAdapter Select string from base table schema?

When I built my .xsd, I had to choose the columns for each table, and it made a schema for the tables, right? So how can I get that Select string to use as a base Select command for new instances of dataadapters, and then just append a Where and OrderBy clause to it as needed? That would keep me from having to keep each DataAdapter's ...

using strongly typed datasets with textboxes on web forms

I would like to use a strongly typed dataset with textboxes on a web form. How can i do this? Cheers Mick ...

Windows Forms - Validate DataGridView input

I have a Windows Forms application with a DataGridView in one of the forms. The DataGridView can insert and update through a Typed Data Set generated by Visual Studio. I want to show user friendly error messages when a user doesnt fill in a required field or enters the wrong data type, etc. instead of the ugly huge one that is shown by ...

Dataset allowing Null values even when AllowDBNull = False?

Hi, I have designed a dataset using VS2008 dataset designer. In one of the datatables, I have set "AllowDBNull" property of most of the columns to be False. However, still if I create a DataRow containing null values for these columns, this datatable accepts this row, without any error. Am I not understanding something here? Please adv...

SQL/.NET TableAdapters - How do I strongly-type calculated columns in either the database or the DataSet?

We use calculated columns in a few SQL Server 2005 tables which always return data of a specific type (bit, varchar(50), etc...). These tables are consumed by a .NET data layer using strongly-typed datasets and tableadapters, however since the calculated columns are not constrained to a specific type (we always return a specific type, b...

How do I create strongly typed dataset during runtime using C# ?

I need to create a strongly typed dataset during run-time for the user preferred target database. Visual studio has massive design time support for creating typed datasets. I need to automate the process of generating typed datasets for the target database at runtime. It should create... 1.) XSD file. 2.) Typed dataset represnting the...

Coverting from Datasets to stored procs and modern ORM

How much effort would it take to migrate a large existing codebase from a Strongly Typed Dataset driven data access layer to a DAL driven by stored procs and/or a more modern ORM package? Is there any shiny tool that automates a portion of this process? The current code base has well over 100+ datasets mirroring the sql database (but ha...

Handling null GUIDs in SQL Server and strongly typed datasets

I have a table in SQL server: Categories -------------- CategoryID (uniqueidentifier) ParentCategoryID (uniqueidentifier) allow nulls ParentCategoryID is meant to hold a value in CategoryID to indicate which category is the parent. If it has no parent (i.e. it's a top category) then ParentCategoryID should be null. I'm using strong...

Typed Datasets: a Good choice or Bad - Why one should use or not use Typed datasets in their applications ?

Ever since .net 2.0 release this question has been discussed over a large number of times. Many of the developers are not in favour of Typed datasets and there are few who use them practically. The goal of the question is to identify the reasons why one should use or not use Typed datasets in their applications. In my case, I personall...

Nullable Int Column in DataSet

I'm working with .NET strongly-typed datasets and have a table with a nullable int column (and a nullable DateTime column as well). Apparently there is a bug with the dataset designer that prevents having nullable columns on these data types. The designer only allows "throw exception" as the default behavior for null values. Unfortuna...

Why does this stored procedure execute quickly in Management Studio, but not in an application?

I have this query as a stored procedure: SELECT ID FROM dbo.tblRentalUnit WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 AS Expr1 FROM dbo.tblTenant WHERE (dbo.tblRentalUnit.ID = UnitID))) In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, it executes in 16 ms. When I have it in a typed d...

How can I bind events to strongly typed datasets of different types?

My application contains several forms which consist of a strongly typed datagridview, a strongly typed bindingsource, and a strongly typed table adapter. I am using some code in each form to update the database whenever the user leaves the current row, shifts focus away from the datagrid or the form, or closes the form. This code is th...

Why does my typed dataset not like temporary tables?

I am attempting add a tableadapter to a stored procedure in my SQL Server 2005 Express. The stored procedure, however, uses a temporary table called #temp. When creating the table adapter, Visual Studio complains "Unknown Object '#temp'" and says that the stored procedure returns 0 columns. This is problematic because I use that stored p...

Define a typed dataset dynamically?

I am trying to create an instance of a typed dataset dynamically in my code at runtime. I have the type available to me, but when I try to do this: object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("TYPED DATASET TYPE HERE")); The problem is the type doesn't seem to be valid according to the code when I try and run it. What could I b...