
How to split a string to 2 strings in C

Hi, I was wondering how you could take 1 string, split it into 2 with a delimiter, such as space, and assign the 2 parts to 2 separate strings. I've tried using strtok(); but to no avail. Thanks! Mr. Man ...

Copy results of strtok to 2 strings in C

Ok, so I have the code char *token; char *delimiter = " "; token = strtok(command, delimiter); strcpy(command, token); token = strtok(NULL, delimiter); strcpy(arguments, token); and it gives me EXC_BAD_ACCESS when i run it, and yes, command and arguments are already defined. ...

Whats The use of function strtok()in PHP, how is better than other string function doing the same thing?

Whats The use of function strtok()in PHP, how is better than other string function doing the same thing? ...

strtok wont accept: char *str

strtok wont work correctly when using char *str as the first parameter (not the delimiters string). Does it have something to do with the area that allocates strings in that notation? (which as far as i know, is a read-only area). thanks in advance example: //char* str ="- This, a sample string."; // <---doesn't work char str[] ="-...

valgrind complains doing a very simple strtok in c

Hi I'm trying to tokenize a string by loading an entire file into a char[] using fread. For some strange reason it is not always working, and valgrind complains in this very small sample program. Given an input like test.txt first second And the following program #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <s...

strtok problem in calling

I have a function using strtok like this void f1(char *name) { ... char *tmp; tmp = strtok(names, " ,"); while(tmp) { ... tmp = strtok(NULL, " ,"); } ... } And i have a call f1("abc,def"); Problem is that in first call f1 gets abc,def and in 2nd call gets just abc I am confused.. Why is this so? ...

Double split in C

OK. For example I have this line in my txt file: 1|1,12;7,19;6,4;8,19;2,2 As you can see, it has 2 parts, separated by |. I have no problems getting both parts, and separating second part 1,12;7,19;6,4;8,19;2,2 using ; separator. BUT I do have problems with separating further by , to get first and second number of each set. This is my ...

Why does my token return NULL and how can I fix it?(c++)

I've created a program to get a string input from a user and parse it into tokens and move a robot according to the input. The program is supposed to recognize these inputs(where x is an integer): "forward x" "back x" "turn left x" "turn right x" and "stop". The program does what it's supposed to for all commands except for "stop". When ...

PHP String tokenizer not working correctly

I have no clue why strtok decided to break on me. Here is my code. I am tokenizing a string by dollar symbol $. echo 'Tokenizing this by $: ',$aliases,PHP_EOL; if(strlen($aliases) > 0) { //aliases check $token = strtok($aliases, '$'); while($token != NULL) { echo 'Found a token: ',$token,PHP_EOL; if(!isGo...

Structs, strtok, segmentation fault

I'm trying to make a program with structs and files. The following is just a part of my code(it;s not the entire program). What i'm trying to do is: ask the user to write his command. eg. delete John eg. enter John James 5000 ipad purchase. The problem is that I want to split the command in order to save its 'args' for a struct element...

strtok program crashing.

Hi, the program for strtok given on crashes everytime.. #include <string.h> ... char *token; char *line = "LINE TO BE SEPARATED"; char *search = " "; /* Token will point to "LINE". */ token = strtok(line, search); /* Token will point to "TO". */ token = strtok(NULL,...

Problem with using getline and strtok together in a program .

In the below program , I intend to read each line in a file into a string , break down the string and display the individual words.The problem I am facing is , the program now outputs only the first line in the file. I do not understand why this is happening ? #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<cstdio> using ...

Memory leak when spliting sentences with strtok

I'm trying to split a string into sentences (delimited by sentence delimiters). The code itself it working but I keep getting memory leaks in the function. char ** splitSentences(char *string) { int sentencecount = 0; char* buf = NULL; char* str = NULL; buf = malloc((strlen(string) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(buf,string); str = buf...

strtok is using wrong delimiter.

Why is my strtok breaking up my strings after space when I specified my delimiter as ","? ...

Trying to tokenize a string separated by commas

I'm novice so be gentle. trying to read a file of strings as such: "1,Duck_Soup,1933,Comedy,5,12" and tokenize it to different vars for each of the tokens between the commas. That's my code and I keep getting "segmentation fault" no matter what I try. Please help me fix the code, thank you. For starters I want to make it print the tok...

strtok - buffer overrun

c++ function, strtok() Will this example suffer from buffer overrun if str is not terminated properly? /* strtok example */ /* source - (see link below) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main () { char str[] ="- This, a sample string."; char * pch; printf ("Splitting string \"%s\" into tok...

Printing char pointer in C - I keep getting bad formatting

I am reading a line from a file containing the names of people, first line contains names of males, and seconds line contains names of females. Then I want to store these names in two arrays, one for males, one for females, however when I print them I get weird things. I'm not sure if I am not reading them correctly, or printing them inc...

Please help in strtok()

Please explain me the working of strtok() function.The manual says it breaks the string into tokens. I am unable to understand from the manual what actually it does. I added watches on str and *pch to check its working, when the first while loop occurred, the contents of str were only "this". How did the output shown below printed on th...

strtok function thread safety

I have been spending some time in debugging a programme which gives segmentation fault. The bug is quite indeterministic and intermittent, which is annoying. I narrowed it down to the calling of strtok. I suspect that it is the calling of strtok to split string in two different threads that causes the segmentation fault. Can I call strto...