
unix timestamps and php

I have a list of unix timestamps in a database, and I wanting to select the ones that are from today. i.e If today is Tueday, I want to get all the timestamps that were made today? Is it possible? Is there such a things as strtotime("Today")? Any help would be great ...

Adding 30 minutes to time formatted as H:i in PHP

Having a nightmare at the moment and just can't see why it isn't working I have a value in the form H:i (ie 10:00, 13:30) etc called $time What I want to do is create two new values, $startTime which is 30 mins before $time and $endTime which is 30 mins after $time I have tried the following but just doesn't seem to want to work $sta...

php strtotime() some help

Hi there, I am taking credit card details and I am taking the expiration date in two form field, one for the expiration month and one for the expiration year, I am wanting to store the expiration date as timestamp. Will strtotime("05/2010") create a time stamp or do I need to pass a day as well or is there an alternative? Thanks ...

How to display after 4 week date from now?I want to pass an argument.

echo date( "F jS, Y" , strtotime("now +3 weeks") ); It gives the result as July 2nd, 2010 . Fine.Now I want to pass the argument like this. The original print_r($originalamount) give the result like this Array ( [0] => 4 Months [1] => 3500 ) My code $text=trim($originalamount[0]); $text1="now +".$text; echo date...

Converting a datetime back to the original format

I used this code $new_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', timetostr($orig_date)); to convert this input Wed Jun 2 2010 to a datetime output 2010-06-02 00:00:00 When I read it from the database, how do I convert it back to the original format of Wed Jun 2 2010? ...

PHP DOM element string breaks with strtotime() or preg_replace()

I'm using PHP to get XML from an API (Say that 3 times fast). I'm getting all of the correct strings returned from all of the data. The problem comes when I try to reformat the time string with the following two methods: $dataset = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName( "Class" ); foreach( $dataset as $row ) { $xmlStartTimes = $row->getEl...

In PHP what is the most efficent way to get the last day of the previous month, regardless of what day of the month in the current month you are?

I need to be able to get the last day of the previous month into a date variable. The script could be run on any day of the current month. It needs to dynamically adjust even if the last day of the previous month falls on 29,30, 31 etc. What would be the best day to do this? ...

PHP date problem

Hi, I have web service in PHP which gets dateTime object (from asp) . I want to parse this date in my custom format . The date originally is in format "2010-07-05T00:00:00+02:00" . When I'm trying this: $oDate = strtotime($date_from_webservice); $sDate = date("d.m.Y",$oDate); echo $sDate; I'm getting date "07.04.2010" which is one da...

strtotime() weirdness with first and last

$day = date('l', strtotime('07/25/2010')); echo "$day "; echo date("m/d/Y", strtotime("first $day")); This prints out Sunday 07/11/2010 $day = date('l', strtotime('07/25/2010')); echo "$day "; echo date("m/d/Y", strtotime("last $day")); This prints out Sunday 07/04/2010 What's going on here? Shouldn't it be 07/04/2010 and 07/25/201...

PHP: strtotime is returning false for a future date?

here are some debug expressions i put into eclipse, if you don't believe me: "strtotime("2110-07-16 10:07:47")" = (boolean) false "strtotime("2110-07-16")" = (boolean) false i'm using it in my function which returns a random date between the start and end dates: public static function randomDate($start_date, $end_date, $format =...

PHP: parsing a date of any format (especially: 2008-10-20, 2008/10/20, 2008.10.20, Nov. 20/08)

strtotime("25/03/1957") returns false. what will satisfy all of these date formats? i can't imagine how long it would take to actually make my own, so i hope there's already one out there you know of. thanks! ...

PHP strtotime() function wrong by 1 hour?

I am converting dates and times into timestamps using PHP before they are inserted into my MySQL database. My problem is that when i use PHP's strtotime function the output timestamp is -1 hour behind my actual time. For example, considering todays date: 07/21/2010. When i use php code like: <?php $my_timestamp = strtotime("07/21/201...

Causing timer to reset to specific amount only after xxx time remains (PHP)

I have a php script I'm trying to alter. The original code is written to increase the countdown timer by a value pulled from SQL anytime a button is pressed. What I've been trying to do is change the code so that the time doesn't increase but actually resets to a specific remaining time ONLY WHEN the timer is under a certain amount (sa...

PHP's strtotime in Objective C/iPhone

Is there an equivalent (or vaguely similar) to PHP's strtotime in Objective C/iPhone? strtotime can for example understand the below time expressions (from the php documentation): echo strtotime("now"), "\n"; echo strtotime("10 September 2000"), "\n"; echo strtotime("+1 day"), "\n"; echo strtotime("+1 week"), "\n"; echo strtotime("+1 ...

PHP why is not "strtotime is not defined"

// why does this not work PHP in XAMMP stack // error: "strtotime is not defined" $date2 = strtotime('2010-10-01'); ...

why strotime returns negative value in php?

Hi, I am using strtotime to convert a date to a unixtime stamp. Year, date and day comes as different values to code and I am using the below code to produce the timestamp. $year = '1961'; $month = '2'; $day = '15'; $date = $year."-".$month."-".$day; echo strtotime($date); The above code prints : -27648000 for me. If the year ...

strtotime("-5 hours") not working?

I thought strtotime() would convert a "string" into a timestamp. If I add on to the time, it works fine, but if I try to subtract, it doesn't. Does anyone know a workaround? Thanks in advance. ...

strtotime - always return NEXT [date here]

I'm trying to use the strtotime function in order to return the following date specified. For example: strtotime('thursday'); //Need to get NEXT Thurs, not today (assuming today is Th) Using next thursday would work in this case, but does not work with absolute dates, such as: strtotime('next aug 19'); //Should return 08-19-2011, but...

Extracting date from String

I'd like to extract a date from any string entered. But not specific to a date format (otherwise I'd use some sort of regex) e.g "Pictures taken in Africa 3 weeks ago" The php parser would extrace "3 weeks ago" and I can happily convert this. Does anyone know of the best method to perform this or of any library that can do it for me...

PHP Determine Monthly Day of Week

I've seen lots of "Date" related questions here, however, I haven't been able to find one that calculates this: I am trying to figure out the numerical value of a given date string. For example: $date = "2010-09-01"; Given the date above, how might I be able to determine that this is the "1st" Wednesday of the month. I know that: ...