
I have same struct question for int array..

paxdiablo gave the previous answer for it working with char array.. can I know how to work with int array for the same below code? LIke: struct encode { int code[MAX]; //instead char code[MAX] } a[10]; int main() { int i, j; int x[] = {3,0,2,5,9,3,1}; //instead char x[] = {'3','0','2','5','9','3','1','\0'}; for(i ...

struct sizeof result not expected

Hey, I have a a struct defined thusly: typedef struct _CONFIGURATION_DATA { BYTE configurationIndicator; ULONG32 baudRate; BYTE stopBits; BYTE parity; BYTE wordLength; BYTE flowControl; BYTE padding; } CONFIGURATION_DATA; Now, by my reckoning, that struct is 10 bytes long. However, sizeof reports that it ...

How to create an array of an array of structs

I am trying to create a symbol table using an array of an array of structs. Right now I just have an array of structs and it's created like this: #define MAXSIZE 20 /* maximum number of symbols */ #define MAXSCOPE 10 /* maximum number of scope levels */ struct tableEntry { char *name; char *args; int value; int scope; char *type...

How to reset a struct entry in C

I have an array of structs. It's declared like this: tableEntry [MAXSCOPE][MAXSIZE]; When the structs are created, C automatically initializes all the members to either 0 or null. Let's say that I have given some values to the struct members of tableEntry[1][0], tableEntry[1][1], and tableEntry[1][2]. Now I want to reinitialize a...

Struct instantiation from void pointer buffer

Here's some C++ code that just looks funny to me, but I know it works. There is a struct defined, and in the program we allocate memory using a void pointer. Then the struct is created using the allocated buffer. Here's some code typedef struct{ char buffer[1024]; } MyStruct int main() { MyStruct* mystruct_ptr = 0; void* ...

Which is best for data store Struct/Classes ??

Hi, We have seen lots of discussion in SO regarding the class vs struct in c#. Mostly ended with conclusions saying its a heap/stack memory allocation. And recommending to use structs in small data structures. Now I have a situation to decide the simple data store among these two choices. Currenlty in our application we have thousands ...

using union in yacc for structures

Hi I'm a little confused about how to specify my grammar member's type. I want to declare prog and decls as ASTNode. I'm gonna use these members for adding to a list or etc. But yacc can't recognize them as an ASTNode and I get type errors. Here my tIdent,tCharConst,tIntConstant have some types but, how to give ASTNode type to my membe...

struct - what is it for?

I know something about struct type. But I can't understand: what is it for? when have I use it? Classes, simple value-types and enums - that's all that I need. Any suggestions? UPD: PLEASE! Don't tell me that struct is in the stack (I know this :). What struct is for? ...

How to use anonymous structs / unions in c?

I can do this in c++/g++: struct vec3 { union { struct { float x, y, z; }; float xyz[3]; }; }; Then, vec3 v; assert(&[0] == &v.x); assert(&[1] == &v.y); assert(&[2] == &v.z); will work. How does one do this in c with gcc? I have typedef struct { union { st...

What is NSString in struct?

I've defined a struct and want to assign one of its values to a NSMutableDictionary. When I try, I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Here is the code: //in .h file typedef struct { NSString *valueOne; NSString *valueTwo; } myStruct; myStruct aStruct; //in .m file - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; aStruct.valueOne = @"firstValue"; } /...

Why do structs need to be boxed?

In C#, any user-defined struct is automatically a subclass of System.Struct and System.Struct is a subclass of System.Object. But when we assign some struct to object-type reference it gets boxed. e.g. struct A{ public int i; } A a; object obj=a; // boxing takes place here So my question is - if A is an descendant of System.Obj...

Is copying performed when capturing a value-type into a lambda?

struct SomeStruct { public int Num { get; set; } } class Program { static Action action; static void Foo() { SomeStruct someStruct = new SomeStruct { Num = 5 }; action = () => Console.WriteLine(someStruct.Num); } static void Main() { Foo(); action.Invoke(); } } Is a co...

Mapping an immutable structure as a component in NHibernate

I'm testing out NHibernate to be the solution to my company's ORM needs. To do this, I've produced a small test model based on a school, providing some useful edge-cases for NHibernate to handle. I'm having problems finding out how to map a custom structure as a component of an entity without using theIUserType interface. I should stres...

marshalling a struct containing string

i basically want to take int name and string age from user in c# and send it to dll method written in c which take int and char[50] arguments in it and return string .i created following scenario but i am failed ,any body has the code i have a dll developed in c which ahas a structure struct Argument { int age; char name[50]; } ; ...

Cannot marshal a struct that contains a union

I have a C++ struct that looks like this: struct unmanagedstruct { int flags; union { int offset[6]; struct { float pos[3]; float q[4]; } posedesc; } u; }; And I'm trying to Marshal it like so in C#: [StructLayout(Layou...

Which is more efficient: Bit, byte or int?

Let's say that you were to have a structure similar to the following: struct Person { int gender; // betwwen 0-1 int age; // between 0-200 int birthmonth; // between 0-11 int birthday; // between 1-31 int birthdayofweek; // between 0-6 } In terms of performance, which would be the best data ...

How do I set a string property of a struct ?

My code is as follows: #include <stdio.h> struct MyData { int id; char msg[255]; }; int main ( int argc, const char * argv[] ) { struct MyData item; = 3; item.msg = "something else"; printf("Msg: %d", item.msg); return 0; } I get an error of incompatible types in assignment on the line: item.msg ...

How to add records (struct) in a function in the C programming language?

How do you add a record if you send as a parameter to a function? struct record { char name[20]; int nr; }; void AddRecord(struct record **p_allRecs, int p_size); int main() { struct record *allRecs; /* putting in some records manually, size++... */ allRecs = (struct record *)malloc(size*sizeof(struct record)); } AddRecord(&allRecs,...

Which one to use - memset() or value initialization to zero out a struct?

In Win32 API programming it's typical to use C structs with multiple fields. Usually only a couple of them have meaningful values and all others have to be zeroed out. This can be achieved in either of the two ways: STRUCT theStruct; memset( &theStruct, 0, sizeof( STRUCT ) ); or STRUCT theStruct = {}; The second variant looks clean...

std::string in struct - Copy/assignment issues?

Suppose I have a struct containing a std::string, like this: struct userdata{ int uid; std::string username; } Do I need to create a copy ctor or anything to return it from a function or to use it inside a STL container? Consider this function: userdata SomeClass::GetUserData(unsigned int uid) { //do error che...