
Struts html html:text does not close input type="text" tags

I use struts-html to generate forms fields. For example: <%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="/WEB-INF/taglibs/struts-html.tld" %> <html:text property="email" styleId="email" size="44"/> generates: <input type="text" name="email" size="44" value="" id="email"> As shown above the generated input tag is not closed. This causes my html t...

Struts - In which jar file all the .tld files located

I am developing a Struts based web application. I am new to Struts. I want to use struts-html.tld taglib, provided by struts, in my jsp pages. When I searched on net, I came to know that prior to Struts 1.2.9, we need to locate the .tld files manually. But now these .tld files are packed in .jar files and we need to just use those jar...

How to use javascript to include struts html tag?

I have a check box and a text box. I have used struts tags and Now i need to validate that if the check box is checked, i should gray out (disable) the text box. If it is unchecked the text box shold take phone numbers. I did lik this, i called a java script on click of check box and did a innerHtml based on wheather checkbox ix chec...

Paramter in the message resource properties file of struts

I am using the html:image tag to include images in the jsp. the image location is specified in the message resource properties file of struts. the paths are defined as ../../images/image1.gid previously. now the context is changing due to some reason, so the images are not being loaded. how do i access the context path in the message re...

Adding name and id properties to textarea (struts)

Hi, i mostly do CSS and php so i'm kind'a lost here, so no idea if this is possible the way i want it anyway, this is it: I have this code <html:textarea rows="10" cols="70" property="thankYouMessage" /> And i want this textarea to render an id of "textareaID" and a name like "textareaname" how can i go about this?... if i use styl...

Populate <html:text> field from a <bean:write> tag.

I want to populate a field from a session bean. I attempted this: `<html:text property="docId" value="<bean:write name="queryResponseBean" property="queryResults" />" />` but to no avail. thanks. ...

Struts2 Configuration Understanding

Hello All... Recently I am going through with one tutorial for Struts2 UI Tags. So, I found that example and execute it with perfection. But, in the struts.xml configuration file, I couldn't understand some of the OGNL expressions. That I am writing here : <struts> <package name="default" extends="struts-default"> <action ...

Writing a string property of an object with <html:text />

Hi. I've got an object in my form that contains various string properties. When I want to print it in my JSP form I could do it with <c:out value="${}" /> which works perfectly. Now I want to create an HTML input field. But when I write <html:text property="company.address" /> I get an error saying Caused b...

How to stop overflowing of dynamic data beyond table ?

It's a Struts application. I have to show some dynamic date in the left hand panel retrieving from DB or any session object e.g Notes. If there is space between words then its working fine. But while testing if I am entering some characters without space, then while showing the data in Left hand panel is crossing the table and coming on ...

bean write format 000000

I want to make format number in my jsp view as follows: 0000001 0000090 0911111 I try use <bean:write format="0000000"> but the format does not work. ...