
FileUpload problem with Struts on server

I am trying to create a upload servlet that handles enctype="multipart/form-data" from a form. The file I am trying to upload is a zip. However, I can upload and read the file on localhost, but when I upload to the server, I get a "File not found" error when I want to upload a file. Is this due to the Struts framework that I am using? Th...

Is two * allowed in struts 2 action name?

Is the following config is valid? <action name="copyProduct*Page*" method="copy" class="com.web.action.product.ProductAction"> <result name="success" type="tiles">load{1}prdt{2}</result> <result name="input" type="tiles"> loadCopyProperties{1}Page{2} </result> </action> ...

Inside Interceptor.intercept(), how do I know if the Action has already been executed?

I'm implementing some stuff in my Struts-based application using interceptors, and I'm getting confused about how their lifecycle works. According to the Struts docs ("Interceptors", "Writing interceptors" and "Big picture"), it should work something like this: FirstInterceptor NextInterceptor LastInterceptor Action R...

Activity display dynamically depend on the locale on Struts 2

i want to display activities dynamically which can be increase or decrease on struts 2 and that depend on the Locale (like English or French) . dynamically means user can be add or delete activity at run time. I have two properties file: for...

how access value of array list on Struts framework by properties file

arraylist.add(new ListItem("Activity1", "ActivityName1")); suppose ActivityName1 value store in properties file to provide locale feature. now how can i access the value of Activity1 key that associate to ActivityName1 value on jsp ( ActivityName1 corresponds to a properties file value) by using Struts. i want to find the ActivityNam...

Struts2 iterator with dynamic columns

Imagine a POJO "Employee" which has three properties. public Class Employee{ private String id; private String name; private double salaray; } I have a method that fetches list of Employee. In jsp i display the list with tag. <s:iterator value="listEmployee"> <s:property value="id"/> <s:property value="name"/> </s:iterator> As yo...

Weblogic 10 and Struts 2.x problem - Javassist

Please help with this issue, I'm going mad... I'm trying to make a client-server web application using Weblogic 10 as an application server and IIS as a webserver (corporate constraints), with EJB 3 and Struts 2. I am however having strage problems which I cannot solve. Using Struts 2.2 I get the following stack trace while starting th...

How to configure Struts such that for some urls it will not go to convention plugin. Assuming by default it will go to convention plugin.

I have struts.xml like this. <struts> <constant name="struts.convention.action.suffix" value="Controller"/> <constant name="struts.convention.action.mapAllMatches" value="true"/> <constant name="struts.convention.default.parent.package" value="rest-default"/> <constant name="struts.convention.package.locators" value="con...

How do I keep Struts2 from appending jsessionid to the URL (on redirects)?

I want to keep the jsessionid parameter out of the URLs generated by Struts, but can't seem to find a configuration parameter or similar. To be honest, I don't even know exactly at which level this is handled. Specifically, Struts (or the servlet engine) puts a sessionid in the URL when it's redirecting with a 302 and the session has no...

error while using struts2-archetype-starter build project in myeclipse

ERROR MESSAGE: An internal error occurred during: "Creating struts2-archetype-starter". Attempted to beginRule: MultiRule[P/examsys,P/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders], does not match outer scope rule: org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.project.SchedulingRule@971a7e environment: MyEclipse 8.5M2 plugin m2eclipse struts...

Two request parameter in struts2 "redirect-action" result type.

In the Below code, <result type="redirectAction" name="success"> <param name="actionName"> loadManagePrdtprty{1}?prtycrnid=${prtCrnId}&exitWindow=${exitWindow} </param> </result> application is not getting start..What will be the problem. ...

Java App Engine - Sessions are not working in GAE server

I'm developing a Java web application on GAE platform in which I'm storing an User object in session. When I test my code in local development server (Windows XP + Eclipse), I'm able to get the User object back from the session. But when I deploy the same piece of code to GAE server, I'm facing issues with Session. I'm able to retrieve ...

struts 2.2.1 appends ".action" suffix to name

My project changed version of struts from struts- to struts-2.2.1. We don't use suffix ".action" for naming, after migration it is appeared. For older version html code looks like: <form id="Login" name="Login" action="/fm2/Login" method="post"> But new struts renders the same form: <form id="Login" name="Login" action="/fm2...

empty keyword in Struts

Is there an empty keyword in Struts 2 (like in JSP)? For example in JSP I write: <c:if test="${empty var}"> Thanks ...

Display tag not able to understand el or struts

Hi, I am using display tag to render my table. Inside the display tag i dynamically specify the columns to be displayed. Like... here the listExtraColumns has list of strings which are the property names in pojo. Problem is here it throws error saying %{colName} cannot be found in POJO. Pls help ...

Looking for Struts2 programming courses and webinars offered in the Washington DC area

Hello all - I'm in search of an advanced Struts2 training-course / class / webinar for professionals in the DC area. Not a free online tutorial, I'd like something reputable, useful and valuable. Thus far I've had no luck finding anything that looks worthwhile. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance! ...

How to exclude action methods frm validation in struts2

How to exclude action methods from validation in struts2 ... for example i wann do validation for one action login with two fileds and other action method in same action class say test methode with filed message..... how can i do it?? using one xml file? ...

simplify the Struts tag

Can you simplify this and how can i use this in Struts 2 <s:iterator value="listObject"> <s:component template="abc.vm"> <s:param name="text" value="listValueObject" /> <s:param name="prefix" value="listIndexObject" /> </s:component> </s:iterator> i want to iterate over a list ...

s:component in Struts2

Can any body simplify this in Struts2 <s:component template="/my/custom/component.vm"> <s:param name="key1" value="value1"/> <s:param name="key2" value="value2"/> </s:component> ...

problem with struts2 s:if test

test.jsp: %%%%%%%%%%%%% < s:property value="#parameters.type"/> < s:if test="#parameters.type == 1"> < select> < option value="-1"> 请选择 < /option> < option value="1" selected> 收件箱 < /option> < option value="2"> 发件箱 < /option> < /select> < /s:if> %%%%%%%%%%%%%% when this page is accessed by test.jsp?typ...