
How to get data from the velocity page in a action class?

How to get data from the velocity page in a action class? ...

What is switch action & forwardAction in struts

What is switch action & forwardAction in struts ...

How can i get checkbox values from struts2 checkbox in displaytag to action class.

I am working on struts2 application in which i am using displaytag for pagination support. Now i want a check box for each row in the table for that i am doing this. <display:table name="countryList" export="true" class="table" id="countryList" pagesize="${selectedPageSize}" decorator="org.displaytag.decorator.TotalTableDecorator...

Checkbox id and value at action class in Struts2

Hi All, I am working on struts2 application. In a jsp page I have some checkboxes and onclick checkbox page submits. Its working well. See the code below - <s:form action="authority" method="POST" theme="simple"> <table> <tr><td><s:checkbox name="originatorName" id="originatorId" value="originatorValue" onclick="submit();"/></td></tr> <...

Which is the best ajax framework for java web development ?

I am using struts2 for my java web application . Now I want to use ajax for my client side user interface can anyone suggest me which is the best one to learn and implement ajax framework . I have seen jmaki , dojo , jQuery and heard about vroom for netbeans IDE thanks in advance . ...

Strut2 validation, Overriding css_xhtml theme

HI Folks, I'm using the Struts 2 validation. And for displaying the custom error messages I'm overriding the css_xhtml.. and the validation.js for client side validation. Every thing is going well but the validation is on form submit.. can i do it for all the form fields Onblur event.. Any suggestion highly appreciated Thanks in Adava...

problem in multiple validation.xml for single action in struts2

Hi All, I am working on struts2 application. I have a jsp page having 3 textfields. And I am validating each field through action-validation.xml file. Now I want if validation get fail at first field it should not check the other two fileds and result directly go to jsp page (say a.jsp) showing error message for that single filed only. A...

struts 2 doesnt do division when value is a double?

I have a very weird scenario in struts2. When I do the following: <s:property value="%{4/2}"/> I get 2. But when I do the following: <s:property value="%{2/4}"/> I get a big fat 0. the property tag is always outputting an Integer even when the evaluated value is a double. How can I change this? ...

action-validation.xml in struts2 (open different pages when validation fails at different fields in validation.xml)

Hi All, I am working on struts2. I have two fields in my action-validation.xml. I want if validation get fails at first field it will go to some jsp page (say a.jsp) and if validation get fails at second field then it will go to another jsp (say b.jsp). As it always return "input" when validation fails so currently I can target only on...

Learning Path: Struts1 -> (Struts2 or Spring)

After having read and used (made a web application using Struts/Hibernate last semester) Struts1, I want to step forward in learning a better MVC framework. I have been wondering if it would be more prudent to learn Struts2 now and Spring later, or skip Struts2 for Spring directly? ...

about checkboxlist in strut2

how can we put scrollbar in checkboxList tag of struts2.i have checkbox list for selecting multiple user but each checkbox is displayed in same row. i want to display each check box in different row . any help please. thanks in advance lakhaman ...

Displaytag export option is not working

Hello All, I am using Displaytag framework for pagination & exporting purpose. In that i am also using Strut2Tiles Integration. Whenever i am calling any action class it will returning me a list & through Displaytag i am successfully displaying record on my page. For that my jsp page's code looks like : <s:set name="selectedPageSize...

How to fix redirect OGNL error, Unable to set param?

I am not sure if this is me or if this is a bug. I got the following error 11:52:01,623 ERROR ObjectFactory:27 - Unable to set parameter [dest] in result of type [org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletRedirectResult] Caught OgnlException while setting property 'dest' on type 'org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletRedirectResult'. - Class...

problem in hide and show of combobox in struts2

i have a jsp page in which i have two combobox and one radio button of struts tag. now depending on the value of radio button i have to hide one combobox . how can i achieve this in struts2. i can easily do if this tag are simple html by hiding a div tag. but struts tag are not hide by this jquery. ...

Struts ognl expression to evalulate the result of the expression

This is going to be a little tricky to explain. I'm trying to write a tag to componentise a bunch of address fields, but I'm having trouble working out the ognl expression. Expected usage: member.address maps to an Address object (nothing too cleaver). my tag (simplest version): <%@taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> <%@attr...

Nesting Apache Tiles Template

So I found this: Here is the example: <definition name="myapp.homepage" template="/layouts/classic.jsp"> <put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles tutorial homepage" /> <put-attribute name="header" value="/tiles/banner.jsp" /> <put-attribute name="menu" val...

problem in interceptor executing before action in struts2

Hi All, I am working on struts2. I have an interceptor that executes before my action claas. Now when I submit on a jsp page control goes to interceptor and after some processing there the control goes to action class. This complete flow is running well. But I found two things – 1) Control does not go to action-validation.xml before ...

can we mix struts and html tag in single page

i have jsp file in which most of tha struts tag now for some field i have to use simple html tag but when i put html tag the format of page is chaged. if i use only struts tag then each strut tag are written in new row so. how can i show two different struts tag in single row. ...

connection pooling struts2+hibernate+mysql+tomcat+eclipse

Hello, I have an ongoing difficulty grasping the technical implementation details of connection pooling. I have read quite a few of related articles such as this one and this one, but still not 100% clear. Is connection pooling tied to tomcat, mysql, or the other development frameworks (struts2, spring, hibernate)? I mean do each of thes...

struts2: problem in assigning a variable value to checkbox

Hi All, I am working on struts2. In my jsp page I want to assign the value of a string variable to a checkbox (when it is checked by user). I tried it many times like - <% String code = "decompose"; %> 1) <tr><td> <s:checkbox name="codeCkBox" fieldValue="%{‘code’}" onclick="submit()"/> </td></tr> 2) <tr><td> <s:checkbox name="codeC...