
Looking for an example of a complex text editor using SWT's StyledText

I need to write a text editor which can merge arbitrary text styles from several sources (in my case: spell checker, style hints like repeated words, links and other markup) using SWT StyledText. I examined the the standard ways to do it: I could install a modify listener and create the styles for the whole text for each modification. ...

Best solution for styled text within a uitableviewcell?

Fo styled text (bold, italic, diff fonts and sizes), what's the best solution for putting a chunk of text within a cell? The text can of various lengths, so the cell would have to change it's height accordingly. ...

what is the order of events that SWT styleText monitors?

There are a lot of events that styleText can listen to and handle using _listeners of different kinds. How can I find out which events fired when? For example, key event, line event, paint event, and so forth. Here are the listeners available: addBidiSegmentListener addExtendedModifyListener addLineBackgroundListener addLineStyleListen...

SWT StyledText - How To Indent/Un-Indent Selected Text With Tab Or Shift+Tab Keys

Using the Eclipse SWT StyledText widget, how can you indent/un-indent a selected block of text with the tab or shift+tab keys? ...