
How Can I Tell what Username RSH sends from SUA?

I am on a Windows Vista 64-bit Enterprise machine with Subsystem for Unix Applications installed and the applications downloaded. I am attempting to use RSH to connect to a FreeBSD server. The command I would like to execute is: rsh command The .rhosts file in my home directory on look...

Setting up Notepad++ to compile with GCC on Windows 7 with SUA

Hi, I'm on Windows 7, with Subsystem for Unix-based Applications (SUA) installed. I chose Custom installation and installed GCC in full. Now I can call Korn shell and call gcc helloWorld.c to produce a.out. What I want now is to set up the editor Notepad++ to compile source code when I Run > Run .. or F5. If it helps, I can call Korn...

Getting Windows 7 SUA's bash shell working with emacs (EmacsW32)?

Having recently purchased Windows 7 Ultimate in order to gain access to the SUA - - subsystem, I have been struggling to get SUA's bash utility (/usr/local/bin/bash) working with EmacsW32. SUA comes with ksh and csh by default, so I installed a community bundle to obtain the bash process. M-x shell normally ...