
How to find a library with cmake?

To link an executable with a library that resides in a standard location, one can do the following in a CmakeLists.txt file: create_executable(generate_mesh generate_mesh.cpp) target_link_libraries(generate_mesh OpenMeshCore) This would work if the library, that is being linked against, was placed in /usr/local/lib/libOpenMeshCore.d...

Proxy tomcat urls to map a host request to a path

Hi, how, if possible, can I redirect a request for a hostname to a specific subdirectory of one of the deployed apps? E.g., I wish to forward to It is however possible to redirect to a specific application on tomcat, e.g., <Host name="" appBase="webapps"> <Context p...

Web.config in a subdirectory ignored

We have a web.config in a physical subdirectory of a virtual directory that's under an application in an IIS site. Something like this: Site App Web.config Virtual Dir Subdir Web.config In the Web.config we put this configuration in system.web: <webServices> <protocols> <add name="HttpPost" /> <add name="HttpGet" /...