
HTML form with multiple submit options

Hi, I'm trying to create a small web app that is used to remove items from a MySQL table. It just shows the items in a HTML table and for each item a button [delete]: item_1 [delete] item_2 [delete] ... item_N [delete] To achieve this, I dynamically generate the table via PHP into a HTML form. This form has then obviously N [delete]-b...

Can I create an ASP.NET ImageButton that doesn't postback?

I'm trying to use the ImageButton control for client-side script execution only. I can specify the client-side script to execute using the OnClientClick property, but how do I stop it from trying to post every time the user clicks it? There is no reason to post when this button is clicked. I've set CausesValidation to False, but this doe...

Can I make any ASP.NET/HTML element into form-data that posts back to the server?

I am using Javascript to alter the innerHTML attribute of a <td> and I need to get that info back in the form submittal. The <td> corrosponds to an <asp:TableCell> on the server-side, where the Text attribute is set to an initial value. The user cannot enter the value in this particular field. Instead, its value is set by me (via clie...

retain values from dll when submit reload page

Hi everyone, I am trying to retain dropdownlist values with jstl and EL but I did not understand what mean every parameter here. I tried this example with changes corresponding my case but nothing is displayed. So this is the example: <select name="foo"> <c:forEach items="${options}" var="option"> <option value="${option.value}" ${...

jQuery AJAX form submission not working

I'm trying to submit a form through AJAX instead of using the normal POST submission. The HTML is just a standard form with method="post" and my jQuery code is as follows: jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var $form = $('#default_contact'); $form.submit( function() { $.ajax({ type: '...

Different approaches to submitting forms with Ajax

Hi! In the past whilst working with AJAX-submitted forms, I have always created the forms in HTML and used the forms own POST function to submitting the actual data to a specific url. - This far is everything is the same as any non-AJAX form. From that point I have used the jQuery Form plugin together with some basic jQuery code to rem...

jQuery Validate on form submitted by JavaScript

My form is submitted by a link using JavaScript, but I am also trying to validate the from justing jQuery validate. The validation doesn't work when submitted by the link, but it does if I change the link to a submit button. What am I doing wrong? My form: <form id="findmatch" method="post" action="search"> <div> ...

Refresh page in browser without resubmitting form

I'm an ASP.NET developer, and I usually find myself leaving the webpage that I'm working on open in my browser (Chrome is my browser of choice, but this question is relevant for any browser). My workflow typically goes like this: I write code, I rebuild my project in Visual Studio, and then I flip back to my browser with Alt-Tab and hit ...

how do I disable the submit button when the form gets submitted without any errors

Hello everyone, I want to disable the submit button when a user submits the form so that he may not click the submit button twice. So I coded the following javascript in my page $(document).ready(function(){ $("form").submit(function(){ $("form").find('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); }) This ...

Respect regular onsubmit handlers from jQuery.submit

I want a jQuery form submit handler to respect any previous submit handlers, including ones added with onsubmit. I'm trying to detect the previous handler's return value but can't seem to do it: <form><input type="submit" /></form> <script type="text/javascript"> $('form')[0].onsubmit = function() { return false; }; // called first $('...

Send jQuery array to PHP post?

I have a javascript function that gathers two arrays, imagepaths and captions. I want to send with PHP's post to the same page $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], but I really don't know where to start.. PHP: if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $edit_photos->update_xml($edit_photos->album_id, $_POST['src_arr'], $_POST['caption_arr']); // prevent ...

for a TEXTAREA, how to call a JavaScript Function on Return/Enter

I have a textarea that when a users pressed enter/return on their keyboard, I want to submit the field to a JavaScript function, just like it works on Twitter. Ideas? Thanks ...

Submit A Form Using Javascript

<form action="/?wpmlmethod=offsite&amp;list=2&amp;wpmlformid=" method="post"> ... </form> I tried: <script type="text/javascript">document.forms[0].submit();</scrpit> But it didn't work. ...

JQuery Validate - class="cancel" submit button only stops validation once.

Hi. I have a form with buttons I do not what to Submit the form, but they are (necessarily) submit buttons. I've given them the class "cancel" and on the first click they are cancelling submission. the desired effect. However, any subsequent click is then back to normal; Submitting the form. Which I don't want. Now, I do have some post-...

Submit multiple forms to various iFrames

Hello, due to security and implementation reasons that are out of the scope of this post, I need to submit multiple forms in a single page to different iFrames (one iFrame for each form). I can't use jQuery nor AJAX, it has to be done via: <script> document.Form1.submit(); </script> The problem is, after I submit the first form (every...

jquery ajax form plugin submit multiple times to the server only when using IE6

I all. I have the following form used to temporarily upload a photo on a j2ee server and then crop it with imageAreaSelect plugin : <form name="formAvatarName" id="formAvatar" method="post" action="../admin/admin-avatar-upload" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label>Upload a Picture of Yourself</label> <input type="file" name="upload" ...

FireFox: strange behavior on submiting a form

Can anyone help with this strange form submiting in FireFox? So this form should be submitted after pushing "go to submit" button. There is an onclick event on the button that should submit form through JavaScript. In the form there is another button "test" without any onclick event. Following the script, the form should be submitted on...

Using YUI, how do I assemble the request using a RecordSet and submit a form to the server?

Could you please provide me a simple example for assembling the request and sending to the server using the RecordSet? If someone knows how,please post it here. Also how do I handle the form post-back, any ideas? Thanks!! ...

JQUERY Ajax form, page refreshs & isn't supposed to in Safari, doesn't refresh in FF (works fine)

I'm working on a AJAX form which lives in a JQUERY UI Dialog. It works great in FireFox, but for some reason, in safari it refreshes the page to: /? Please let me know if somethings wrong here? Thanks <div class="modal-container"> <form onsubmit="" action="" id="list-dialog-form" name="list-dialog-form"> <div id="modal-wrap...

How to check if a form is submited via javascript?

I have this conventional submit button which submit a form like this: <form method="post" id="form_submit"> ... <input class="button" type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> And I check if the submit button is clicked using this: if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ //update DB } Now I have a submit link using jquery: <a hr...