
Column with same name in multiple tables causing problem in SubSonic Select.

Hi folks, there are other question (at least 2 I've seen them) similar to this but I'm not able to solve this using them. Now the problem: I've 3 table from which I need to select 4 columns only. I'm using InnerJoin and it is working perfectly. Problem starts when I add a Where to this Select. I've a column named "Name" in two tables. I...

InnerJoin with Where Expression trouble

I am using Subsonic 2.1 and I need to do an innerjoin and use a where expression and I keep getting the error: Must declare the scalar variable "@Partner" Here is my code: Dim ds As DataSet = UWP.Model.DB.Select("TOP 30 FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, CustomerRowID, CompanyName") .From("Customer").InnerJoin("Partner") .W...