
Can SubSonic's SimpleRepository operate in-memory?

I'm working with Subsonic's SimpleRepository, and I'm trying to write some unit tests so they don't touch the database, but I'm having trouble figuring out if SimpleRepository can work against in-memory lists (Like the active record can) instead of an actual database. I would like to do the following: //setup test data var repo=new Sim...

Adding Column Using Subsonic Migration

Hi, I want to know that How to Insert New Columns to an existing database Table using Subsonic MIGRATIONS. Basically I want to alter an existing table in MS SqlServer database and add three more columns into it. Please tell me How I will be able to do it Regards, Naveed Khan ...

Subsonic Migration Row Update

Hi, I want to update a table row and I have a following Code void updatePrimaryPaymentAndSecondaryPaymentSourceTypes() { LookUpDetails lookUpDetail = new LookUpDetails(); var repo = new SimpleRepository("E2Lending", SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations); lookUpDetail = repo.Single(80); lookUpDetail.Col1Value = "My Checking Account...

Some virtuals are missing?

Hi Below are some virtual methods that I really became fond of in v2.x :) Is there any chance that they make a come back? of course it is easy to add them myself. This is I suspect a bit the purpose? Sincerely Edward SubSonic 2.x virtuals protected virtual void BeforeValidate() {} /// <summary> /// Executes on existing r...

Installing Subsonic - adding Text Templates does nothing...

I'm trying to start using Subsonic (v3). The brief installation instructions indicate that I must: add a reference to the DLL = Done edit Setting.ttinclude to use right connection string = Done; added appsettings to web.config add templates to project = Done, but nothing is generated; no errors and no code. The demo indicates that wh...

SubSonic How do we use joins with the query tool?

I am trying to use the query tool, but I can't figure out how to specify the correct paremeter for the join. This is as far as I get: List<Tran> = new Select().From("Trans").LeftOuterJoin( according to intellisense, parameters of type SubSonic.Schema.IColumn are expected next. How do I supply the correct parameters? ...

SubSonic | SimpleRepository | Formula property/field

I need to add Formula property/field on SubSonic | SimpleRepository Can someone tell me how to? or is it not possible? br, No Body ...

Subsonic 3.0 and DB2 support?

It doesn't appear so from the online docs, but I wanted to ask the question here anyway......Will Subsonic 3.0 support DB2? Specifically......I'm working on an enterprise app that needs to connect to DB2 on MVS. ...

SubSonic 3 IncludeTables configuration

Hi, on the configuration there's a way to set the tables we want to exclude but what I need is to set the name of the table I want to include, excluding everything else. Have anyone already done this? Cheers! Alex ...

Use subsonic3 with oracle Database

I want to use subsonic in combination with an oracle database. I just can't find the template needed to generate the code. In the TemplateProviders a provider for oracle is missing. Does anyone have an implementation for this. Thanks in advance. ...

Dynamic Connection with SubSonic 3.0

Hi , I am building a application and I need to specify a different database for different types of users. Of course the schema is same for all databases. I want to be able to specify a dynamic connection string / provider once the user logs in and keep that for the session. How do it go about doing this. I have seen the earli...

SubSonic | SimpleRepository | Generate a xml

Can SimpleRepository output a xml? just like DataSet WriteXml. ...

SubSonic 3.0 StoreProcedure Generation

When using SubSonic and the template, the generated code won't compile and gives an error of: ... 'DB' does not contain a definition for 'Provider' ... This is in the calling method for the sproc. StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure("Company_Get", this.Provider); Am I missing something or is the...

subsonic unit testing bug?

Hello. I'm currently using Subsonic 3.03 Active Record repository. I have setup a Test connection string to utilise the dummy internal storage. [TestInitialize] public void TestInitialize() { List<ServiceJob> jobs = new List<ServiceJob>() { new ServiceJob() { ServiceJobID = 1 }, new S...

Adding DataAnnontations to Generated Partial Classes

Hi I have a Subsonic3 Active Record generated partial User class which I've extended on with some methods in a separate partial class. I would like to know if it is possible to add Data Annotations to the member properties on one partial class where it's declared on the other Subsonic Generated one I tried this. public partial class U...

Lambda Parameter not in scope when using SimpleRepository Find

Hi all, I have this simple little method that is trying to use the SimpleRepositry Find method in SubSonic When I make the call I get a invalid operation exception "Lambda Parameter not in scope", which added a touch of sadness to my coding afternoon. public override IEnumerable<ICustomer> FindCustomers(string searchTerm) { ...

SubSonic3 clearing test data/database in unit test TearDown operation

I'm writing some unit tests for an ASP.NET MVC controller that's using SubSonic3 generated model objects (using ActiveRecord "mode" (not sure what else to call it), and am wondering how I can clear out the test data from the test database in my TestFixture's TearDown method. I don't have a direct reference to the model object in my test ...

Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord Test Feature Doesn't Support Linq?

According to this blog post, the ActiveRecord Test features in Subsonic 3 don't support linq. If this is true, it would seem to really constrain the usefulness of the Test features. Is there a workaround, or am I just misreading what was said? ...

How to use SimpleRepository (SubSonic with VistaDB?

How to use SimpleRepository (SubSonic with VistaDB? Would the SqlSever Provider work or a seprate provider exists for the same? ...

Outer Joins with Subsonic 3.0

Does anyone know of a way to do a left outer join with SubSonic 3.0 or another way to approach this problem? What I am trying to accomplish is that I have one table for departments and another table for divisions. A department can have multiple divisions. I need to display a list of departments with the divisions it contains. Getting...