
Changing a char in a char list list using SML

I'm trying to declare a function that will let me change a number in a char list list (I'm still working on the sudoku game from earlier). changesudo : char list list -> int * int * char -> char list list I need to be able to call changesudo xs (r,s,c) where xs is the char list list, r is the list, s is the position in xs and c is the c...

Checking the contents of a char list list in sml

My question is like the one here. I'm working on a char list list and I need to check that 1-9 are used once in every list, but also once in every position in the list. My code looks like this: infix member fun x member [] = false | x member (y::ys) = x = y orelse x member ys; fun rscheck xs = let ...

Brute force sudoku solver algorithm in Java problem

Everything seems to work fine in the algorithm besides the solve method. When it executes the program using a solvable Sudoku board, it says that it cannot be solved. I've tried everything I can think of in the solve method. I've tried debugging and it fails after the first row is tested. Any suggestions? Here is the full code so far: ...