
"The system cannot find the file specified" when invoking subprocess.Popen in python

I'm trying to use to merge some files. Under the hood it uses python, and when I use it I get an error - "The system cannot find the file specified". Colleagues at work are running the same version of, and of python (2.5.2, specifically r252:60911) without an issue. I found this link, which describes my problem...

If you merge a specific set of revisions from trunk into a branch with subversion, what happens?

If I make changes in the trunk to 3 different files, say revisions 40, 45, and 47 respectively, where none of those files have changed since revision 15, how can I merge those revisions into the branch (made at revision 30 and unchanged since) so that I get just the changes between rev 15 and rev 40, 45, and 47 for each of the respective...

Using with mixed svn client versions (1.4 & 1.5) and svn 1.5 server

We currently use svnmerge to manage merging. The environment is a mix of v1.4 and v1.5 clients, and the svn server was recently updated to v1.5. After evaluating svn 1.5's merge features, it was decided that we'll stick with svnmerge to manage merges until the rename & reflective merge issues are sorted out (hopefully in svn 1.6). My...

Commits and merges on SVN subdirectories considered harmful?

We have several large subprojects inside our main SVN project root. I commit and merge only my subproject when working with our release branches, mainly because it's faster. However, a colleague pointed out this reference to merging subdirectories in Version Control with Subversion (a.k.a "The SVN Book"): For long-lived release b...

How should one use the svnmerge workflow with Mercurial?

svnmerge helps to block some changesets from a specific branch. How can this be achieved with Mercurial? ...

Svnmerge and a file replaced with a directory

I'm using to manage our repository. In trunk, file X has been replaced a directory. When trying to merge this to a branch, I get the error: svn: Can't replace 'X' with a node of a differing type; the deletion must be committed and the parent updated before adding 'X' svn: Error reading spooled REPORT request response I dele...

svnmerge and renaming a branch break tracking?

If I'm using svnmerge to track changes for a branch and I want to rename the branch (by doing an svn mv), will this cause any problems with the way the changes are tracked? Is this a safe thing to do? ...

SVN Merge conflict during commit

Eclipse + Subversive plugin On commiting a directory which is out of sync with the SVN a message pops up: Merge conflict during commit svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: File or directory '.' is out of date; try updating svn: resource out of date; try updating Tried to update the whole project from Eclipse Navigator view (righ...

svnmerge vs svn merge

What is the difference between 'svnmerge' (alias, the python script that comes with svn) and 'svn merge' (Subversion 1.5's native merge-tracking)? Which one do you recommend? ...

svnmerge workflow

How are you using svnmerge for merging and branching in svn? ...

Does SVN Merge Save Disk Space?

The SVN book describes deltification as "each time a new version of a file is committed to the repository, Subversion encodes the previous version (actually, several previous versions) as a delta against the new version." This blog article says that "In BDB (Berkeley Database) fulltexts are found at the tips of each distinct...

svnmerge croaks on mysterious conflict

We run svn 1.6.x on both server and client. I branched, worked for several weeks, downmerged a few times, and then set out to upmerge back., as logged below, splits the commits into two sets, and on the second set, encounters a (false?) tree conflict, and then gets a subversion error and implodes (see the bottom of the log). ...

How can I merge my files when the folder structure has changed

I want to perform a major codebase reorganization, but I'm unable to proceed unless I can provide a way for trunk fixes to be easily applied to branches that were taken before the reorganization. One approach I was considering was to apply the reorganization to to all of the support branches, but this is potentially destabilising. A pr...

Subversion can't merge after a move.

I'm very new to Subversion, but I've used other revision control systems like ClearCase for years. My boss asked me to fix this project so that it could be built with Maven instead of Ant. One of the important things I had to do to was to move src/com to src/main/java/com, and move test/com to src/test/java/com, which I did using the “s...

Merge files with SVN

Hello, when there are conflicts between the working copy and the repository during updating, I'm using XCode's built in tool FileMerge. How do I save the merged file? What I currently do is save the merged file instead of the original conflicted file. But after saving the merged file and quitting FileMerge, the "svn merge" command does...

Excluding files on a branch merge with subversion

I have created a feature branch off of the trunk for my project and the feature branch requires some project file configuration changes for it to work. When I merge the feature back to the trunk I don't want the project file merged. Is there any way to selectively merge certain files to the trunk? Perhaps an exclusion of the project file...

Versioned items causing obstructions in SVN

I'm using the VisualSVN server, with TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN in Visual Studio. I have a Trunk to which some devs on other teams are commiting various small changes on a regular basis. I have a Branch on which a fairly major new development is being built. As a regular weekly routine I've been merging the Trunk into this Branch. All s...

Subversion (1.6) svn:mergeinfo properties containing *, merge --reintegrate fails: "Missing ranges: ..."

We have a SVN repository structure with feature branches, where we finally do a svn merge --reintegrate into the trunk. This usually works fine (so far we had about 200 feature branches reintegrated). Now, when trying svn merge --reintegrate, we received the following error message: svn: Reintegrate can only be used if revisions 94538 t...