
PhpMailer vs. Swiftmailer?

I'm building a fairly simple php script that will need to send some emails with attachments. I've found these 2 libraries to do this. Does either one have significant advantages over the other? Or should I just pick one at random and be done with it? ...

swiftmailer email messages don't arrive

Hello I am trying to send email messages with swiftmailer version 4.0.3. I get a returncode 2. And it seems the messages are sent, however they don't arrive. I am using the sendmail transport mode $this->psTransport = Swift_SendmailTransport::newInstance('/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'); I get a return code of 2 and no exception happens. ...

Complicated MySQL query for newsletter queue

Hey everyone, I'm back and looking forward to more of your brilliance. I have two tables: newsletters — each row contains a 'id', 'subject', 'body' & 'from' headers for an email newsletter_queue — each row contains an 'id', 'email' address, 'date' added to queue and the 'newsletterid' My goal is to develop a MySQL query that can pull...

Mailing Emailing to 50,000-100,000 subscribers

I want to develop a mailing list application that needs to be able to handle out sending messages to 50,000-100,000 subscribers at a time. Can Swiftmailer's batch send method handle this? I am a simpleton when it comes to email/SMTP/mail servers--what are other things I need to keep in mind when developing this application? ...

Tracking email bounces, opens, clicks

I found How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam? to (hopefully) be a solid guide to avoiding being marked as spam. Are there any other important tips/suggestions? How do I track bounces,opens,clicks? These are features found in paid services like Mail Chimp and Campaign Monitor. ...

Does anyone have recommendations for a good (and lightweight!) PHP mailer library?

Pretty much as the title says. I'm currently using the SwiftMailer (http://swiftmailer.org), but I'm just wondering how it stacks up to the other libraries out there. ...

Fatal error: Uncaught exception .. using php SwiftMailer

hi I am using SwiftMailer for sending mails and if I try to use dummy email address, for example if I type in "asdf" in email address, I get this uncaught exception. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Swift_RfcComplianceException' with message 'Address in mailbox given [asdf] does not comply with RFC 2822, I am not very experience...

Avoid PHP timeout when sending newsletter

Hi, I have recently implemented the Swiftmailer library, but the first time I used it, I got a php timeout error even though it only had to send out mails to around 300 people.. (I should mention that using the set_time_limit(0); workaround is not an option due to restrictions on the server) The way I use it is like this: $transport ...

having issue with fsockopen while sending mail with swiftmailer

Hello guys I was playing around the new swiftmailer 4.0.4 using my zend studio embbeded apache server where i can send successfully emails through gmail smtp. Now that it's was fine and that i decided to use it in real project and this time along using xampp 1.6.8.any time i run the same function there is this error Warning: fsockop...

swift mailer error 'Swift_RfcComplianceException' on an email that actually works?

Hi everyone, My swift mailer plugin has just thrown up an error because an email address it tried to send to isn't compliant. Problem is - the email is valid. Basically, I don't want swift mailer to be checking whether or not the email is valid I'd like it send regardless. Is that possible? here is the code which has the function whic...

Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer

Hello all, I'm currently using SwiftMailer to send out emails to several users (up to 50). I have it set up and working properly, however, I'm not quite sure how to pull the recipients from my MySQL database and iterate to send them. Here is what I currently have: <?php require_once 'swift/lib/swift_required.php'; $mailer = Swift_M...

HTML emails using Swift "quoted" in Gmail

I am sending a very simple HTML email (it's mainly just a happy holidays image, centered) from my site using Swift. It works perfectly in several clients (Thunderbird, Outlook Express, Yahoo Mail), but for some reason Gmail considers it as 'quoted content' and therefore the user does not see any of it unless they click the tiny '- Show ...

Unable to send mail in Symfony 1.31

I am trying to send email using the following method in my action class: public function executeTestnewmail() { // send an email to the affiliate $message = $this->getMailer()->compose( array('my_email_address_here' => 'Jobeet Bot'), 'recipient_address_here', 'Jobeet affiliate token', <<<EOF Your Jobe...

Email body in Symfony 1.4 mailer?

Hi, I'm using the Symfony 1.4 mailer where I build the various bits needed for an email and then send it out using: $this->getMailer()->composeAndSend($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body); In the email body, I need to able to take advantage of variables generated in the action, so right now I might have this in my action: $body = '...

Need help with Swift mailer with Kohana wrapper

My current code is this $swift = email::connect(); $swift->setSubject('hello') ->setFrom(array('[email protected]' => 'Alex')) ->setTo(array('[email protected]' => 'Alex')) ->setBody('hello') ->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath(DOCROOT . 'assets/attachments/instruct...

symfony 1.4 adding a BCC recipient to mailer

I know with swift directly you can create a Recipient_List and do ->addBcc() . How would i do this same thing in the context of symfony 1.4 $message = $this->getMailer()->compose(); $message->setSubject(sfConfig::get('app_email_welcome_subject')); $message->setTo($user->getUsername()); $message->setFrom(sfConfig::get('app_email_from'));...

Swift Mailer email sending problem

i have downloaded Swift Mailer from their website and try to send simple email with following code <?php require_once 'lib/swift_required.php'; $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.example.org', 25) ->setUsername('your username') ->setPassword('your password') ; $mailer = Swift_Mailer...

define batch size, batch period, throttle in swiftmailer

What are the plugins available for the following php parameters in Swiftmailer define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE",480); define the length of one batch processing period, in seconds (3600 is an hour) define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD",3600); to avoid overloading the server that sends your email, you can add a little delay between messages th...

Swift Mailer Error

Hi, Im using the following code to send a message: try { require_once "lib/Swift.php"; require_once "lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php"; $smtp =& new Swift_Connection_SMTP("mail.somedomain.net", 587); $smtp->setUsername("username"); $smtp->setpassword("password"); $swift =& new Swift($smtp); //Create the send...

Why is SwiftMailer throwing "Internal Server Error"?

I am using Symfony + SwiftMailer and getting the following error from SwiftMailer: 500 | Internal Server Error | Swift_TransportException Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" and can't figure out why. I am using hMailServer on my local machine, and have setup my factories.yml file (as I'm using Symfony) as follo...