
YAML Encoding of Malformed String, Model Serialization Issues

I've isolated a problem with Ruby on Rails where a model with a serialized column is not properly loading data that has been saved to it. What goes in is a Hash, and what comes out is a YAML string that can't be parsed due to formatting issues. I'd expect that a serializer can properly store and retrieve anything you give it, so somethi...

Ruby: how can I get the name/version of the Yaml parser I'm using? Where can I get yaml4r?

I've been reading the YAML docs on There is an example: puts [[ 'Crispin', 'Glover' ]].to_yaml( :Indent => 4, :UseHeader => true, :UseVersion => true ) It's supposed to emit a string with a "%YAML:1.0" tag in it---when I run it I don't get that at all. Is there a way to tell which library I'm actua...