
Audio programming on Symbian devices

I’m a blind programmer who would like to develop games based entirely on audio for symbian based phones. I need the ability to do the following. Get input from the phones joystick as well as regular keys, and play audio with varying volume and direction like can be done in directX. I know the first part isn’t a problem in any language b...

CRSAPKCS1v15Encryptor class not found when compiling a Symbian C++ application

I have written code in symbian c++ but i faced one problem CRSAPKCS1v15Encryptor class was not found for aes algo and for rsa algo in symbian cryptosymmetric.h cryptopadding.h file not found is there any plugin required and any other alternative for same functionality ...

Subversion on carbide

Hi, I am using carbide for symbian developement there is plugins called subclipse but the issue is when i go to option of find and install under software updates the IDE gets hungs is there any other way to add plugins in carbide IDE Thnx in advance, Any help would be appreciated. ...


hi, i want to know whether SymbianCryptographyLibraries api in symbian is private or publc bcoz i have to use for my application bye ...

Programmatically change phone ( symbian ) speaker volume

I have been developing a radio application for Symbian phones ( 2nd , 3rd and 5th editions ). It seems to me that changing the volume of the phone speaker programmatically is not straightforward. Please help me in understanding how the phone volume could be controlled in Symbian. Is there an API for controlling the phone volume? I ha...

regarding encryption method

hi, i am using encrypt function of cryptography api(fun declared as virtual) //fun declaration TBool EncryptL(const TDesC8 &aInput, TDes8 &aOutput); //function calling TBuf8<10> text; TBuf8<10> cipher; text.Copy(_L("Hello")); iEncryptor.EncryptL(text,cipher); it shows error expression syntax error //fun definition TBool CRSAAlgo::Enc...

Conversion of ref to TBuf

Hi, I am using CRSAKeypair class which returns the public key and private key which is in long format , i want it to convert to TBuf format how should i proceed . I have tried creation of pointers but still no luck .. is there any other way ...

key generation AES encryption symbian

hi, I want to create public key for AES key encryption is there are direct APIs in symbian thnx in advance. currently i am using the default api. ...

regarding conversion from reference to string

hi, i am doing RSA encryption i want to convert reference of public key class to string so that i can pass to server //declaration const CRSAPrivateKey &iRSAPrivateKey =iRSAKeyPair->PrivateKey(); const CRSAPublicKey &iRSAPublicKey =iRSAKeyPair->PublicKey() ; i have convert &iRSAPublicKey into TBuf i tried lot but fails to conver...

AES in symbian

Hi, PKCS5padding and CBC cipher mode and init vector(IV) how to achieve in AES in symbian I have used CAESEncryptor , CAESBufferedEncryptor are any other options availabl for the same ...

regarding writing with TCP/IP in symbian

void CSocket::WriteSocket() { TBuf8<2> KData (_L8("60")); //RBuf8 KData; RBuf8 aQuery; aQuery.CleanupClosePushL(); aQuery.CreateL(100); // <?xml version="1.0"?><AM><P/><A><CE/></A></AM> _LIT8(KData1,"61"); //_LIT8(KData2,"20"); _LIT8(KData3,"A"); _LIT8(KData4,"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><AM><P/><A><CE/></A></AM>"); TBuf8<100> buff,...

CAknSlider control within a CAknView container ( not as a Setting item )

I am amazed at how well the native Symbian components are implemented. One of them is CAknSlider. CAknSlider is a control that has a slider that users can use to slide it along a bar whose orientation can be vertical or horizontal. Now when you slide the slider the sliding is very smooth and does not flicker. But if for some reason I we...

Socket writing problem with TCP/IP

I am using TCP/IP socket example i.e. "echoclient", and I am facing problems with writing and reading. I am connecting to server socket but it shows null data. I don't know whether it is data conversion problem or any other issue. ...

Nokia N95 and PyS60 with the sensor and xprofile modules

I've made a python script which should modify the profile of the phone based on the phone position. Runned under ScriptShell it works great. The problem is that it hangs, both with the "sis" script runned upon "boot up", as well as without it. So my question is what is wrong with the code, and also whether I need to pass special parame...

detect power interruption in Symbian OS

Help , How can you detect whenever the power cord is unplugged from electrical socket through Symbian OS ? ...

J2ME development and native API

Is it possible to write a mobile application with J2ME and whenever we want to implement a functionality not offered by J2ME call native mobile API ? (kind of like what is done with .NET, whenever you need something not provided, you just call the Win32 API from the .NET platform). ...

Symbian: sign sis file

Hi, I'm developing an application for S60 3rd Edition FP1 mobile phones. The application uses Location capability, which means that we need more than just a self-signed sis file to deploy it. To use Location capability in FP1 mobile devices, we need to sign the application using the Open Online Signed option. However, this process is ...

Symbian - find if device is connected to internet

Hi Is it possible using the Symbian Java library to find whether the device is connected to the internet or not? I don't want to wait for an exception to find out. Thanks. ...

PyS60 application not going full screen

Hi, I am very new to PyS60. I was testing how to set an application to full screen mode but unfortunately, it doesn't work as expected. I tested the script on Nokia 6120 Classic. Here is what I did: = 'full' What I get is a half screen of my application with a plain white colour below. What am I doing wrong? Thank...

problem of gzip compression in symbian c++

Compress(TInt aCompressionMethod,const TDesC8 data) { TInt compressionMethod = 0; if(aCompressionMethod == 0) compressionMethod = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; iCompressor =CEZCompressor::NewLC(*this,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); TRAPD(err, iCompressor->CompressL(cipher,text)); } i am using compression using gzip method in symbian in ...