
Delphi 2009 and Synapse - tested and ready for Unicode support?

Is Synapse ready for a Delphi 2009 production applications? Their website doesn't look like it's been updated in a while: Is the project dead? ...

WSAETIMEDOUT message in Synapse Library

Why I always get WSAETIMEDOUT error in this code : var fUDPBuf: array [1..UdpPacketSize] of byte; {...} UDPSocket := TUDPBlockSocket.Create; UDPSocket.Bind(UDPIP, UDPPort); if UDPSocket.LastError = 0 then Raise EDevFail.Create(Format(SPortFailed, [UDPPort])); while not Terminated do begin BytesRead := UDPSocket.RecvBufferEx(@fUDPBu...

Synapse: Cannot receive data from Socket

I am using Synapse with blocking sockets and try to simply send text to the connected client. Here comes the code: var SServer: TTCPBlockSocket; SClient: TTCPBlockSocket; implementation //Create and initialize the Sockets. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SClient := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; SServer := TTCPBloc...

Delphi: Clientdataset: EDatabaseError: Missing Data-Package using Synapse

Hi! From the client I am sending a string to the server what he should send me back. This time its a stream created by a ClientDataSet. Unfortunately receiving (or sending??) does not work at the moment. Note: I am using Synapse with blocking sockets. The server is multithreaded. The Server: procedure TTCPSocketThrd.Execute; ...

IMAP + TLS/SSL with synapse ?

i'm currently trying to add to a software the capability to list unread emails in the user's inbox using imap. After having no success at all using indy10, I discovered synapse which seemed better for what I needed, but I can't find a way to get it working. My problem is with the login (thus I think with the ssl configuration), I can't ...

Does anyone have a good example of how to use Synapse's Heartbeat function?

Hi, I am using Synapse for Delphi, but when during HTTP downloads, of course, the GUI freezes. Looking at the documentation, they suggest using the OnHeartbeat method. (See ) Unfortunately, they don't actually give any code example, and while the concept is simple, th...

How to create https client with synapse ?

I need a https client used with synapse. Do you have any demo about it? Thank a lot. ...

Synapse and string problems with HTTPSend in Delphi 2010

I have been trying to get to the bottom of this problem off and on for the past 2 days and I'm really stuck. Hopefully some smart folks can help me out. The issue is that I have a function that I call in a thread that downloads a file (using Synapse libraries) from a website that is passed to it. However, I've found that every once in a...

FTP proxy server component based on synapse or ICS - Delphi

Hello there, Does anybody know of some sample codes or a component of ftp proxy (server) based on Synapse or ICS for Delphi? ...

What's Mark Zuckerberg's GitHub Account Username?

I'd like to read some of the code he's written... mainly just to realize he's a mere mortal. ...