
Generating Linq classes from a SQL Compact 3.5 database using SQLMetal

I am generating Linq classes by running SQLMetal from the command line against a Compact 3.5 database. The Compact 3.5 database is a local database cache (generated by the Sync Framework "Create Local Database Cache wizard). CE seems to support foreign keys constraints, but I am not seeing any, and SQLMetal does not generate them into th...

KnowledgeSyncProvider class

Hi, Does anybody know where to find documentation, howtos, tutorials, etc., on how to extend the KnowledgeSyncProvider class. This class in new with the Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 CTP. It comes with a sample, but we were not able to find a big picture documentation of this class, besides the absolutely useless MSDN reference documenta...

WCF issue with Microsoft Sync Framework

I'm currently following the example at when I add a service reference, that has an ISyncContract contract on my client side, there is a method that is missing some parameters example: on my contract file: [OperationContract(IsInitiating = false, IsTerminating = false)] void GetKn...

ADO.NET Sync Framework - Determining which records synced successfully/failed from PDA to Server.

I am using ADO.NET Sync Framework and on the client side (PDA running Windows Mobile 5 and .net cf 3.5 and SQL CE 3.5). Server side is using SQL Server 2005. On server side manual queries have been written to determine which records are selected for insert/update/delete for each client as well as any conflicting records. On PDA though...

Date Filtering with the MS Sync Framework

After having many disasters with trying to getting merge replication to get work with occasionally connected mobile devices and PDAs using SQL CE we've decided to give the Synchronization framework a go. We have a scheduling application which has a master SQL 2005 DB which updates SQL CE DBs on multiple mobile devices. The master sched...

Does NHibernate intergrate well with Microsoft Sync Framework?

We are wanting to use both NHibernate and Microsoft Sync Framework - has anyone had experience combining these two frameworks? Thanks, Ashley ...

Does Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 support Sql Server 2005 as a client?

It appears out of the box the v1 of Microsoft Sync Framework would only support synching with a CE db, using the SqlCeClientSyncProvider. I can't find anywhere in the documentation about v2 if we can now sync between two SQL Server databases. Anyone know of hand if this is now possible (without writing my own client provider)? ...

Sync nightmare - is it possible to use Merge Replication (or RDA) between 2 SQL CE instances without IIS?

Howdy all, We are faced with the following problem that involves keeping the following in sync: 1 Centralised Server (IIS / MSSQL 2005) Many Desktop WPF clients distributed by ClickOnce Many Mobile clients - (Windows CE) With these thorny constraints: all sync relationships are bi-directional the desktop & mobile nodes require o...

Sync Framework custom providers to communicate over WCF

Hello, I'm using Microsoft Sync framework 1.0 (without ADO.NET services) I have created 2 custom providers: Xml provider and database provider. The code of both providers can be seen at:

sync framework server to server synchronization

I have kind of a such scenario: Here i need to synchronize local server database with main DB server(example: computers in office are connected to office server and they use it like a local server, so that no sync is required.BUT computers in other office work with their local server too and we need synchronization between the offices...

Offline database synchronization with Server

We are having a client-server architecture where client goes offline when connects remotely to server. Server is essentially a SQL Server 2008, with few tables each with thousands of records. Each client application (WPF) would require to store replica of Server data for their offline use (in SQL Express?). And ideally when client applic...

Local Data Cache - How do I refresh the local db when I add fields to remote db?

I'm using a Local Data Cache in an ASP.NET 3.5 environment. I made a change in my main database by adding a new field. I double click on my .SYNC file in my project to startup the Local Data Cache wizard again. The wizard starts and I click OK with the hopes that it'll re-query my database and add the new field to the local database fi...

Local Data Cache - How do I force an full sync with the database?

I've got a Local Data Cache in my 3.5 app. I've noticed that once in a while, especially while developing that my local database will get out of sync with the server. I understand why and I can reproduce it with these steps: 1- Start the app 2- Make a change 3- Sync changes with server 4- Start the app again, thus forcing the a...

Syncing SQL Server 2008 Databases over HTTP using WCF & Sync Framework

I've tried to get a solution for the above said question from MSDN Social and other resources from Microsoft. I was specifically looking for offline scenarios where client come online only to fetch updates from the Server. There are plenty of articles on Sync covering Sql CE but MSFT team seems to be ignoring questions from the communi...

Local Data Cache Sync does not save client changes to sdf file

I created a new c# project and follwed the steps from this tutorial to create a LocalDataCache: I next added the following code: using System; using Syste...

Sync Framework Handling ClientInsert ServerInsert Conflict

Hi, I have a application that uses LocalDataCache to synchronise a SQL Server 2008 Express database to a client database (.sdf file). This works great and I am now managing the conflicts. I am using this Microsoft resource as a guide: How to: Handle Data Conflicts and Errors The conflict I am particularly interested in is ConflictT...

SQL server data conversion using Microsoft Sync Framework

We are analyzing Microsoft Sync Framework for syncing the client and server database. The scenario is like this: Server DB hold master data for all projects but the client DB only contains data to a specific project. Moreover the schema of client and server database is also different. However the data is easily convertible. Is there a...

Is there a Sync Provider (for Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0) for an FTP site?

I'd like to synchronize a file directory with an FTP directory using Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0. There is a provider for the file system. But is there one for an FTP site? Or I need to write my own? ...

Can I use Microsoft Sync Framework to synchronize two SQL 2008 databases?

I've seen examples about synchronizing SQL 2008 with SQL CE. But not two SQL 2008 databases. If it can be done, have you seen example code about how to do it? ...

SQL Server: How to unlock a table / row?

We recently updated our WPF application to perform its data synchronisation (using sync framework) within a single transaction against our SQL Server 2008 database. Almost straight away this has somehow led to a row being locked in of of the tables preventing all other users from syncing. The thing is that the lock does not seem to be...