
Proper Syntax highlighting with Eclipse + WDT + Javascript 1.7+

Is it possible to make the Eclipse-Javscript-Editor recognise Mozillas JS 1.7 constructs and do the syntax highlighting properly? Examples: "let", "for each", "yield" are not highlighted No support for E4X I'm using an updated Helios + WDT-Plugin and I can't choose a different validator than ECMAScript3. I tried to find some inform...

vim folding messes up syntax highlighting

I'm using vim for LaTeX and I'm using latex-suite. It gives me nice syntax highlighting and folding, but in large files syntax highlighting gets "confused". If I open all folds, the syntax highlighting turns OK. I would like it to "just work" all the time though. I seem to recall an option that would increase the number of lines that is...

Syntax Highlighter Around A Div Element

I am using the syntax highlighter plugin and I want to always have it applied to a specific div area. The div's content will change based on a on-click hyperlink. How can I enclose the syntax highlighter script tag around the "mydiv" element at all times? <script> function viewCode() { $('#mydiv').load('euler/'); ... syntax-highlighting converts html to uppercase

Hi, I am using syntaxhighlighter in blogengine.Everything is working fine except when I am adding html or xml with html or xml brush it converts them to uppercase in my site. This problem is only in IE 6 and 7 .In fireforx the html code is rendering correctly. Please help. Thanks, Ritu ...

How can I make Eclipse look like Textmate?

I'm encouraged to use a Linux box at work, so I'm using Eclipse for my coding. The default black on white theme is horrible, in my opinion. Is there any way I can get Twilight-style syntax coloring (for Javascript) in Eclipse? ...

Is there a way to get an NSArray of NSRanges for an occurrence of an NSString inside of another NSString?

Hello, I have been recently working on an easy to use Syntax Highlighting system for a personal project. So far, I have everything working properly by finding the range of specific strings and highlighting that range in the NSTextView. Everything works until you try to type a highlighted word twice, which causes the error demonstrated b...

Is there a VB.NET plugin for CodeRay (or any VB.NET syntax highlighting)?

I recently set up a Redmine server for my time. Redmine's Wiki uses CodeRay for syntax highlighting. However, most of my team prefers to code in VB.NET, which CodeRay doesn't support. Are there any plugins out there that offer syntax highlighting for VB.NET in CodeRay? If not in CodeRay, maybe through some other library (that could be i...

C# copy-paste dillema

Ok, this will be a long one: I started working on a simple OpenGL-SL IDE and I started the implementation of a text highlighter. Until now everything works fine: I have a class with some methods that check for different keywords on a string and change a RichTextBox's text color. The main method which handles all of the text painting is...

Lua Syntax Highlighting in Java

Hi, I'm using Java Swing to develop an application and I want to use Lua as an embedded scripting language. For that I need to create a text component that would provide syntax highlighting and automatically organize the code by adding tabs and so on. Is there a library or resource that I could use in order to achieve this? Here is an ...

wordpress plugin that can do syntax highlighting of java/scala/python etc code in comments

There are several wordpress syntax highlighting plugins available and they work fine for blog entries. But I want a plugin that works in the comments. I received a comment on my wordpress blog which has some scala code. This code is not highlighted and the indentation is messed up. I searched on google and couldn't find a plugin that wor...

Why can't the compiler just compile my code as I type it?

Why can't the compiler just compile my code as I type it? From the user's point of view, it could work as smoothly as syntax colouring does today. If you stop typing for long enough (maybe a couple of seconds) the compilation (not linking) would finish, and code errors would be identified using something like syntax colouring. It's not...

Eclipse isn't highlighting syntax for index.class.php

I just installed eclipse and started working on an existing project. Thing is, none of my code has syntax highlighting. The file name convention is name.class.php and name.html.php Any ideas? ...

Full width background color highlighting of codeblock in Vim

I have Vim documents that have codeblock regions that use 'syntax include' regions to have different syntax highlighting from the main document. For example, I have a syntax region named 'pyregion' defined that I use when I input Python code. The pyregion areas of the document are then highlighted using setup in Python's syntax file, w...

VIM syntax high-lighting chokes in CSS files using data:image

I have a CSS file with some pretty basic stuff including a data:image like so: #next { background-image: url("data:image/png,%89PNG%0D%0"); The actual data string is much longer, but I've truncated for this post. The vim CSS syntax highlighter chokes on that long string and forces the rest of my css declarations in that file to n...

Is there SQL-syntax aware Swing component?

Hello, I am looking for some Java Swing component (textarea like) which is aware of SQL syntax - meaning it recognizes and highlights it. If there isn't I will need to do it myself, any useful advices there how not waste too much of time (eg. which component to use) ? ...

HTML5 tag to display syntax highlighting

I was wondering if there was a tag that auto-highlights the syntax of HTML and or PHP in HTML5. I'm writing a guide that has some code in it. Since I'm using a lot of the new html5 tags (I use section for the outline of my guide) I would like to use something in native html5. If this does not exist, what is the best way to do this? (Lik...

Android Development: How Can I Add Syntax Highlighting Features

Hello, I want to add syntax highlighting to my application. I'll be using syntax highlighting with PHP, HTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript. How can I do this? I have a TextChanger set up on my EditText, which I want to use so that the syntax highlighting process occurs when the EditText gets changed. I'm new to Android development and only...

how to force vim to syntax-highlight a file as html?

I'm just beginning to get my way around vim. This is my doubt. How do i set vim's syntax highlighting to treat a file as a html file? I'm using ez template, so the file's extension is .ezt. But a lot of it is normal html code. ...

Better syntax highlighting for js.erb files in Textmate

I'd like Textmate to highlight Ruby syntax inside <% %> tags in *.js.erb files (like it does in *.html.erb files). Right now it looks like this: As you can see, everything within the quotes is treated like a regular JS string – annoying. ...

Syntax highlighting in .net richtextbox, how do I deal with newlines?

I am trying to highlight some syntax in a richtextcontrol (quoted text, XML tags, XML comments). Apart from the obvious problem created by my own stupidity (for example, a run through the text to highlight the syntax takes over a second and I certainly cannot check the syntax whenever a character was typed) I also ran into an issue cause...