
How can I connect to an Oracle database as SYS using an ADO connection string?

I am trying this: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sys;Password=pwd;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;Data Source=OdbcDataSource;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA But I get the error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed I'm using Delphi, but answers in any language are welcome. Clarification: I am ab...

n00b oracle question

I am using Oracle Sql Developer I have a huge script that creates tables, indexes, primary key constraints and such. my DB name is: dbo_other I logged into this dbo_other as sysdba. If I run my script then tables do not show up on left panel under 'Tables' However, if I append the script by adding 'dbo_other.' in front of every tab...

Login as SYS user to Oracle 11g from .NET

Using the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, my application connects to the database using the privileged SYS user. The connection string is as follows: Data Source=MyTnsName;User ID=sys;Password=MySysPassword;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA This works fine with Oracle 10, but Oracle 11 keeps complaining about an invalid username or password. I veri...