

I want to read the lines out of STDIN (aka SYSIN) in COBOL. For now I just want to print them out so that I know I've got them. From everything I'm reading it looks like this should work: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. APP. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT SYSIN ASSIGN TO DA-S-SYSIN OR...

COBOL: SYSIN JCL for compiling source from PDS.

I'm just starting COBOL, and ran into this with JCL... How do I compile a basic cobol program from my PDS, I know through instream it would just be //SYSIN DD * code code code /* I tried something like //SYSIN DD DSN=the.pds.location(file),DISP=SHR but all that shot back was garbage and a return code of 12 I think. If anyone could ...