Obtaining a Mac's System Profiler data from shell
How can I retrieve the information shown in the Mac's System Profiler app programatically? I'm actually interested in the USB section if that matters. ...
How can I retrieve the information shown in the Mac's System Profiler app programatically? I'm actually interested in the USB section if that matters. ...
I am using system_profiler to view the USB hardware details connected to a Mac, however there are some differences between running this on Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5. For example, in 10.5 the keys for various attributes have an alphabet letter prefix. More importantly, I can't get the location_id attribute (in the SPUSBDataType dataType) in ...
The system_profiler command in Mac OS 10.5 shows the mounted volume paths for the associated USB drives. In 10.4, however, they are not shown. Any ideas on how I can get the mount location for USB drives in 10.4? ...
My problem is one like a simulated problem from http://my.safaribooksonline.com/0596007973/pythoncook2-CHP-10-SECT-17 which eventually made its way into Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition using an outdated xpath method from 2005 that I haven't been able to get to work with 10.6's build-in python(nor installing older packages) I want to ......