
Testing the Appearance of Web Applications

Duplicate: Testing a website for cross-browser/multiple-version support How do you test visual components I recently talked to a colleague about a tool we use at work for system testing web applications. The colleague then raised the question as to whether we tested the appearance of the application. Does anyone else ...

Automated link-checker for system testing

I often have to work with fragile legacy websites that break in unexpected ways when logic or configuration are updated. I don't have the time or knowledge of the system needed to create a Selenium script. Besides, I don't want to check a specific use case - I want to verify every link and page on the site. I would like to create an a...

Reducing the pain writing integration and system tests

I would like to make integration tests and system tests for my applications but producing good integration and system tests have often needed so much effort that I have not bothered. The few times I tried, I wrote custom, application-specific test harnesses, which felt like re-inventing the wheel each time. I wonder if this is the wrong...

Optimizing Android testing effort

4 major OS versions: 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 and 2.2 (I guess we can safely ignore 1.0 and 2.0 now) 3 screen densities: ldpi, mdpi, hdpi 3 screen sizes: small, normal, large Lots of system testing scenarios. Is there are way to optimize the testing effort for an app that has to target all Android devices? What's the minimum number of emulators...

junit suite tests, in phases: All @Before, then all @Test, then all @After

I'd like a junit runner that executes all @Before methods, then all @Test methods, then all @After methods. This is how my System-Tests work. The @Before methods are run, to setup the test data and scenarios. The application is started. Then the @Test methods are run with the application running in the background. Those @Test methods ca...

How to write integration and system tests in MVC

My application I have an application design that looks like this: web application layer - MVC app with controllers and views that use POCOs and call services service layer - business processes that use POCOs and call repositories data layer - repositories that use POCOs and communicate with the model in the form of EF model wh...