I would like to rename files and folders recursively by applying a string replacement operation.
E.g. The word "shark" in files and folders should be replaced by the word "orca".
C:\Program Files\Shark Tools\Wire Shark\Sharky 10\Shark.exe
should be moved to:
C:\Program Files\Orca Tools\Wire Orca\Orcay 10\Orca.exe
The same operation ...
I am now starting to use PowerShell and after a lot of time using the Unix shells and want to know how to check for the existence of a file or directory.
In Powershell why does Exist return false in the following expression?
PS H:> ([System.IO.FileInfo]"C:\").Exists
And is there a better way to check if a files is a directory t...
Does the following System.IO.FileInfo properties map to the following properties in the Windows Explorer application:
CreationTime = Date Created
LastWriteTime = Date Modified
LastAccessTime = Date Accessed
I have the following code:
foreach (string p in dirs)
string path = p;
string lastAccessTime = File.GetLastAccessTime(path).ToString();
bool DirFile = File.Exists(path);
FileInfo fInf = new FileInfo(path);
DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(p);