Why do System.IO.Log SequenceNumbers have variable length?

I'm trying to use the System.IO.Log features to build a recoverable transaction system. I understand it to be implemented on top of the Common Log File System. The usual ARIES approach to write-ahead logging involves persisting log record sequence numbers in places other than the log (for example, in the header of the database page modi...

LogRecordSequence archiving problem

I'm using System.IO.Log.LogRecordSequence for logging and I'm running in to a problem when I'm archiving the log. The log is created as such: m_oSequence = new LogRecordSequence("log dir path\alex.log"),FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); if (0 == m_oSequence.LogStore.Extents.Count) { fnAddExtent(); fn...