
Can you send a signal to Windows Explorer to make it refresh the systray icons?

This problem has been afflicting me for quite a while and it's been really annoying. Every time I login after a reboot/power cycle the explorer takes some time to show up. I've taken the step of waiting for all the services to boot up and then I login, but it doesn't make any difference. The result is always the same: Some of the icons ...

How to make a Windows Forms .NET application display as tray icon?

What needs to be done to have your .NET application show up in Window's system tray as icon? And how do you handle mousebutton clicks on said icon? ...

Problem with NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip - balloon not showing up

I'm having trouble with something that I thought would be easy... I can't get my NotifyIcon to show a balloon tip. The basic code is: public void ShowSystrayBubble(string msg, int ms) { sysTrayIcon.Visible = true; sysTrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(20, "Title", "Text", ToolTipIcon.None); } Nothing happens when I execute this code. I rea...

Systray context menu - why are my commands not enabled?

I'm creating a WPF app and have a system tray icon with a context menu. For the menu items I want to use WPF commands but when I assign them they are always greyed out even though the (same) commands are enabled in other places. MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(); menuItem.Header = "Exit"; menuItem.Command = CustomCommands.ExitApplicati...

How can I show a systray tooltip longer than 63 chars?

How can I show a systray tooltip longer than 63 chars? NotifyIcon.Text has a 63 chars limit, but I've seen that VNC Server has a longer tooltip. How can I do what VNC Server does? ...

Problem with NotifyIcon: "Hide Inactive Icons" not working

Hi! I am using C# (.NET 3.5) and use the NotifyIcon to enable "Minimize to Systray". Everything is working great, except that the shell registers the systray icon with the title "No title" when you look at the start menu properties -> "Hide Inactive Icons". Also changing the setting for that systray icon to "Always Show" or "Always Hid...

Why am I seeing multiple Systray Icons?

I've added a Notify Icon to my app, and quite often I see up to 3 copies of the notify icon in my systray. is there a reason for this? is there a way to stop it from happening. Often this persists after my app has closed, untill I mose over to the systray and the systray expands and collapses snd then they all disapear. ...

Correct behaviour for tray icon click?

When an application adds an icon to the system tray and minimises to it, there must be a way to restore it. However, when it comes to restoring the window I'm not sure what the 'correct' behaviour is for applications. Do I restore on a double click, on a single click, or not at all? What's the Windows standard? ...

Can I re-gain a systray icon of a running app that has gone missing?

Since I've finally got an answer for this question: Can you send a signal to windows explorer to make it refresh the systray icons, that asks about getting rid of dead systray icons, I would like to ask for the opposite. Is there a way to "nudge" an application to re-show it's systray icon if it has been lost? It happens to my Apache ...

Delphi "Tray" icon (NotifyIcon) context-menu does not disappear when clicking outside it

I'm trying to show a popup menu when right clicking my Notification Icon, which works fine; But I want the menu to disappear when the user clicks outside of that menu. It's supposedly by design (as per this document:, but no decent app I know of behaves like this. I've tried calling SetForegroundW...

TrayIcon balloon does not show up

Hello, I compiled my trayicon utility c++ code in visual studio 2005 express edition and tray icon balloons showed up successfully but later I deleted my firewall, switched on to windows firewall and now I am on another firewall software. Now i ran my same project and balloons showed up successfully but when i rebuilt it, i can't see bal...

Programatically forcing icons to be visible in the "notification area" /"systray") in windows 7

Windows 7 allows users to hide/show icons in the "notification area" (aka systray). By default I think they're hidden? Is it possible to programatically (either through the app or through an installer) to force icons to appear? Edit: I'm not looking for a way to override the user's request. What I'm asking, is there a way to INITIALLY...

Systray bubble not showing up (with enabled baloons in XP)

Hi, I was wondering what is wrong and after searching here I found out it could be due to disabled balloons, but thats not my case. I am using simple code, but it doesnt work. Thank you NotifyIcon ntf = new NotifyIcon(); ntf.BalloonTipText="bla"; ntf.Visible=true; ntf.ShowBalloonTip(3000); ...

How to start WinForm app minimized to tray?

I've successfully created an app that minimizes to the tray using a NotifyIcon. When the form is manually closed it is successfully hidden from the desktop, taskbar, and alt-tab. The problem occurs when trying to start with the app minimized. At first the problem was that the app would be minimized but would still appear in the alt-tab d...

How to restore an application from the SysTray? ShowWindow doesn't help since the Handle=0

Is it possible to restore a 3rd Party application which has been minimized to the SysTray? Calling ShowWindow is fine on apps minimized to the TaskBar but where the app has been minimized to the SysTray it appears its handle gets set to zero, and of course ShowWindow can't find it. ...

vista bllocks my systray icon for some reason

Why VISTA says to end-user that it has blocked my app's systray icon? how to avoid this? ...

Replace an existing Winform HWND with another one?

Hi, I'm trying to hijack an existing window and replace it with the contents of a Winforms I own. I figured it would be pretty cool swapping the form's inner handle with the one I want to override, and wondered if anyone ever tried it? Cheers, Florian ...

[VB.Net] Hide a form to the system tray

Hello everyone! I'm posting this here since it took a lot of time for me to understand how the whole thing works when trying to hide a form in the systray. My question basically was: How can I hide a windows form running operations to the system tray? CFP. ...

Use system tray & icons in VBA (Access)

I've found a few tutorials that explain how to use the windows API to get a custom icon in the system tray. These are all for Visual Basic, and they don't seem to be scaling to VBA well. I'm following this short tutorial: Basically, you have to set the hIcon value (a 'long' variable) but it does not wo...

systray gadget to start stop tomcat

I'd like to know if anybody knows of any systray applet to control tomcat service con windows xp... apache installs its own, and there's one for mysql in the mysql gui tools... so the only one I'm missing is tomcat... thanks a lot ...