
How to convert an existing Java application to a SYS V service (daemon)

I have a Java application, to start it I use java -jar myapp.jar To stop it I use CTRL+C. Now I need to convert that application to something that I can start with: /etc/init.d/myapp start And I can stop with: /etc/init.d/myapp stop The problem is all about saving the PID of the process, I think I saw somewhere a recip...

System V shared memory in Python?

How can I make use of the shmat(), shmdt(), shmctl(), shmget() calls from Python? Are they hidden somewhere in the standard library? Update0 I'm after System V bindings that can be found in the Ubuntu repositories, or Python standard libraries (now or in future releases). ...

Is there any possible way to change a memory location to a shared memory in C?

In c you can do shmid = shmget(SHMEM_KEY, sizeof(int*) * n , SHEMEM_MODE | IPC_CREAT); int* shmem = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); to assign first given free memory space as a shared memory. Is there any way to assigne current memory space as a shared memory? ...