
Reading delimited files in C++

What is the best way to read in a tab delimited file in C++ and store each line as a record? I have been looking for an open source library to help with this, but have been unsuccessful so it looks like I will have to write my own. ...

Excel and Tab Delimited Files Question

I am encountering what I believe to be a strange issue with Excel (in this case, Excel 2007, but maybe also Excel 2003, but don't have access to it as I write this). I can reliably convert some server data over into a tab-delimited format (been doing this for years) and then open it using Excel - no issue. However, what seems to be hap...

how to add file extension in url while passing it to ssrs

i want to save/open a file in txt format other then CSV in SSRS 2005. So any one who knows how to add file extension in url that can overirde default extension in SSRS 2005.. ... creating tab delimited txt file

I have to create a tab delimited txt file from a query. I want to call an HttpHandler that returns my txt file as a stream, I don't want to create the file phisically. 1st question: what is the best practice to create the tab delimited txt file from a query result? I have to fetch all rows and create the file manually? 2nd question: H...