
making the value of a table equal to another value in a different table

hi, i have a small problem with a program that im writing. I have a table - stocks which contains information(products, barcodes etc.) about items stored in a fridge. I then have another table - shop which acts like a shop,containing loads of products and their barcodes.some of the products in the shop table are in the stock table at the...

Making a SQL Query in two tables

I'm wondering, is it possible to make an sql query that does the same function as 'select products where barcode in table1 = barcode in table2'. I am writing this function in a python program. Once that function is called will the table be joined permanently or just while that function is running? thanks. lincoln. ...

What is the cs_PostViews Table used for in Community Server

I'm running Community Server 2.1 at the moment. My cs_PostViews table is at 200MB. What is the exact use of this table. Is it safe to truncate? ...

MySQL - Selecting data from multiple tables all with same structure but different data

Ok, here is my dilemma I have a database set up with about 5 tables all with the exact same data structure. The data is separated in this manner for localization purposes and to split up a total of about 4.5 million records. A majority of the time only one table is needed and all is well. However, sometimes data is needed from 2 or more...

Using CSS to create table cells of a specific width with no word wrapping.

In a project have been involved in I needed to render tables with columns of a specific width with only one HTML line per table row (no wrapping). I need each table cell to have a padding of 1 pixel at the top and bottom and 2 pixels at the left and right. The best way I can come up with that works cross browser is to put a div inside a ...

Setting up Dim and Fact tables for a Data Warehouse

I'm tasked with creating a datawarehouse for a client. The tables involved don't really follow the traditional examples out there (product/orders), so I need some help getting started. The client is essentially a processing center for cases (similar to a legal case). Each day, new cases are entered into the DB under the "cases" table....

GridView Vs. HTML Table ( 2.0)

For full control of your application, do you prefer a GridView or a HTML table? And why? For instance, I need to create on-the-fly hyperlinks-per-row in a GridView/HTML table. What object would be more easy to add that feature (or others like this one)? Note: I'm creating programmatically my datasets ...

Why use tables to structure your layout?

looking at the soure code for stackoverflow, i noticed they have used tables and inline CSS quite a bit. also something i found odd was use of inline table attribute formatting. <table width="100%"> I'm just curious if there was any specific reason(s) to why they used tables to structure their template instead of the popular (or used ...

CodeIgniter Table Class: How to add a link from a generated cell

I'm using the table class that autogenerates a table for me from an array of data from my database. So in my model I have: function get_reports_by_user_id($userid) { return $this->db->get_where('ss2_report',array('userid' => $userid))->result_array(); } In my controller I have: function index() { echo $this->table->generate(...

Toggle data display inside table cell

I have a table that's generated by a normal PHP loop. What I want to do is create a form in the first column of each row that's hidden by default but appears when you click a toggle link in that row. I can make a normal toggle-able div by creating a CSS id called hidden and setting display: none;. Unfortunately I can't keep creating...

How to create a table inner bevel in HTML/CSS?

I'm designing this forum layout where I come up with a nice design to draw the forum tables, however, I'm not sure that this can be easily done in HTML/CSS. Before I continue to draw the whole layout, I need to know if this is achievable and how, otherwise, I'll have to ditch this effect and rethink things... For instance, the design I...

How to Vertically Align a Table in CSS

How can I vertically align a table in the middle of the screen with css? ...

How can I combine cells in a row in a latex-table?

In a table I want to combine some of the columns, but not in all rows. How can I realize this with LaTeX? ...

Best way to check that a list of items exists in an SQL database column?

If I have a list of items, say apples pairs pomegranites and I want to identify any that don't exist in the 'fruit' column in an SQL DB table. Fast performance is the main concern. Needs to be portable over different SQL implementations. The input list could contain an arbitrary number of entries. I can think of a few ways to do i...

ASP.NET 2.0 HtmlTable Rows - hiding without making invisible

I need to find a way to hide HTML Rows (or Tables) from view without blocking them from being rendered. Setting this.myTable.Visible = false would seem to be the easiest way to hide tables from the user, but it prevents the HTML Table from being sent to the browser and that causes a problem because I am using Validators and need to make ...

How can I update a field in one table with a field from another table? (SQL)

Two tables: COURSE_ROSTER - contains COURSE_ID as foreign key to COURSES USER_ID as field I need to insert into COURSES COURSES - contains COURSE_ID as primary key INSTRUCTOR_ID as field that needs to be updated with USER_ID field from COURSE_ROSTER What would the UPDATE sql syntax be? I am trying this, but no good... I'm miss...

What's the best way to represent a stage script in HTML?

I have a sketch that I want to put up on my website, and I also intend to write a short play at some point which I'd also want to make freely available. I'm trying to work out the best way of representing this in HTML. I basically need two columns - one for the character speaking, and one for the text. Each speech obviously needs to lin...

Table cell widths - fixing width, wrapping/truncating long words

I have a table containing cells with text of various lengths. It is essential that all of the table cells are of the same width. If this means truncating long words or forcing a break in long words then that's OK. I cannot figure out any way of getting this to work. This is for an internal client application so needs to work in IE6 and...

Table Lookup in Excel

I am very familiar with vlookup and hlookup functions in Excel. However, I am looking for a method of doing both. Take this example: A B C 1 Resources 2 Task Mgr Sr. Mgr 3 ----------------------------- 4 Task 1 30% 70% 5 Task 2 40% 60% ...

Aligning image and text vertically within TD element

<td> <img src=""/&gt; My feed </td> This is how it looks like: My feed The icon and the text is misalligned vertically. The icon is on the top of the table cell, the text is on the bottom. Both the text and the icon occupy 16 pixel but the cell still eats up 19. H...