
JTable + TableModel cache fetch event for lazy instantiation?

Scenario: you are using a JTable with a custom TableModel to view the contents of some collection located in a database or on the network or whatever. The brute force way to make this work is to load the whole collection at once. Let's say that isn't practical because of the resources needed. The simple way around that problem is to ...

How to add object to an array

My question is about how I add an object to an array, in my case I have an array class with 4 columns and I cant get my program to add an object to the array. I have tried with: DatabaseTable dt = new DatabaseTable(); dt.add("something", "something", "something", "something"); but my program wont run.. Anyone how knows how to do it?...

Display Table Titles with a Table Model in Java Swing

I would like to create a table with the constructor method JTable(TableModel). What exact methods in the TableModel do I need to display the titles of each column? ...

Initializing JCheckBoxes when they are generated by a Table Model

In Java Swing I have created a JTable which uses a table model class which extends DefaultTableModel. As the values of one row of the table are of boolean type, these are displayed as check-boxes. As I want to add to these check-boxes 'item listeners' classes, I do need to initialize each of these check-boxes. But how do I do if these ar...

JDBC TableModel for a JTable in Java?

I want to display a database table as a JTable. I have never used JTable before so I googled JTable and TableModel. With that googling, I am able to write my own custom TableModel which show data stored in Object[][] data; Now, I want to show my database table data into JTable. I searched that also and have got an idea of that but s...

Exception in implementing AbstractTableModel in JAVA?

I have implemented a custom Table Model as follows: public class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { ... ... @Override public Class getColumnClass(int c) { return getValueAt(0, c).getClass(); } ... ... } I am getting NullPointerException thrown by the above method, when I display a JTable havi...

Java: JTable reordering rows and refresh

Hi, I have a JTable (extended) and an implementation of TableModel, in which I have the methods ... moveEntryUp(int rowIdx) moveEntryDown(int rowIdx) ... within the table model implementation. I have verified that these work properly. However, I am having problems in getting the changes made in the table model to propagate to the ...

Inserting radio buttons in a DefaultTableModel

I have a 2D array of objects which needs to be displayed in a table through a table model class which extends a DefaultTableModel. In addition to the columns needed to accommodate the data included in this array, I would like to add an extra column with radiobuttons, in order to enable the user to make a selection. As table model accepts...

Java Swing: Recalculating values in a JTable, to use the TableModel or write a custom editor?

Hi, I use a JTable to display data sourced from a streaming data feed. Each data point is represented as an object of type X, which has one field of interest, lets call it valueField. My implementation of the TableModel interface has a HashMap of objects X keyed on X.getId(). The users of the GUI are able to change the values us...

ArrayList of arrays vs. array of ArrayLists vs. something similar

I'm creating a TableModel which will have a fixed number of columns, but the number of rows will be changing (mostly, increasing as function of time). Which would be better approach to store the data, ArrayList[] columns = new ArrayList[numberOfColumns]; // Each array element is one column. Fill each of them with a new ArrayList. ... pu...

JTable filled with database data is not being updated when columns are reordered.

I have a JTable filled with data of a table of my database (so I used ResultSetTableModel) and using TableRowSorter to sort the rows, as I click in one column of the JTable. The data is displayed in the jTable without problems; But when I sort the JTable by some column table (for example, sorting it by the primary key value), and edit s...

Java Swing: implement TableModel or extend AbstractTableModel?

When should I rather implement TableModel and when should I extend AbstractTableModel? ...

Table model in empty table

I am creating a Java Swing application which displays a window with a table where the user can insert or delete selected elements stored in an array. For this table I have created a table model class extending the DefaultTableModel class. The problem arises when all the elements have been deleted from the table, as a null pointer except...

create TableModel and populate jTable dynamically

Hi all! I want to store the results of reading lucene index into jTable, so that I can make it sortable by different columns. From index I am reading terms with different measures of their frequencies. Table columns are these : [string term][int absFrequency][int docFrequency][double invFrequency] So i in AbstractTableModel I can defi...

JTable's and DefaultTableModel's row indexes lose their synchronization after I sort JTable

JAVA NETBEANS // resultsTable, myModel JTable resultsTable; DefaultTableModel myModel; //javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel myModel = (DefaultTableModel) resultsTable.getModel(); // event of clicking on item of table String value = (String) myModel.getValueAt(resultsTable.getSelectedRow(), columnIndex) I use JTable and DefaultTab...

Java JTable export to PDF

Currently, I am using iText to convert my jTable data to pdf. private void print() { Document document = new Document(); try { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("jTable.pdf"));; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.saveState(); Gra...

JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data.

This is my jTable private JTable getJTable() { String[] colName = { "Name", "Email", "Contact No. 1", "Contact No. 2", "Group", "" }; if (jTable == null) { jTable = new JTable() { public boolean isCellEditable(int nRow, int nCol) { return false; } }; } ...

Swapping values around in the view with information taken from a DAO

To respect requirements, I've temporarily used a hack to swap around a numerical id with a String representing a corresponding username in the view. To do this I've called a DAO directly from a TableModel. Obviously, this isn't very elegant and is probably inappropriate from a design point of view. What would be the proper approach to a...

TableModel in GWT incubator

HI friends! i am new to Java and GWT. I want to create a PagingScrollTable in my application. There i need to mention a TableModel using TableModel I really dont know how to do it. Please can you help me do that. Kindly answer my question and reply me at [email protected] ...