
Retrieve click() handler in jQuery for later use

I'm using the jQuery tablesorter plugin to sort a table, which assigns .click() handlers to the <th>s in the table. Since my table has alternating colors for each column, I've built a simple fix_table_colors(identifier) function that does as it should when I call it manually using Firebug. I would like, however, to have that automatica...

Sorting table data across two table sets with jquery tablesorter

I am using jquery table sorter and have two tables. Instead of sorting the data just in the first table, could there be a way to combine the data in the second table and sort both? As an example, sorting column 1 on table 1 OR 2, will result in: //ORIGINAL //RESULT TABLE 1 TABLE 1 col1 | col2 col1 | col2 1 | 1...

hidden row causing issue with tablesorter zebra striping

Sorry if this has already been solved elsewhere but my searches have been able to turn up nothing and my attempts at solving the issue myself have made even less progress. :P Put quite simply I have a table that is using the jquery tablesorter and it's zebra widget. In this table there is a hidden column. I've so far been able to make i...

Any jQuery plugins for tables fixed header and sorting together?

Hi there, I've been looking at ways to make a table have a fixed header especially in IE8. I noticed that most jquery plugins can achieve this but in doing so they split the table into two sections usually 2 separate divs one containing the thead stuff and the other tbody This works fantastic but how would I go about adding sorting to ...

Sort a HTML Table with more than one tbody inside (each with col-&rowspan)

Hello Developers, I've got a question: Now i have a html file with some content like this: <table> <thead> ... </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2">demo</td> <td rowspan="2">demo</td> <td">demo</td> <td>demo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>demo</td> <td>demo</td> </tr> </tbody> <tb...

Click event not registering on second page.

I'm using tablesorter and tablesorter.pager. Here is my code. $(document).ready(function() { $("#peopletable") .tablesorter({ widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra'] }) .tablesorterFilter({ filterContainer: $("#people-filter-box"), filterClearContainer: $("#people-filter-clear-button"), filterColumn...

tableSorter limitation (sort) one page at a time?

i see that in tableSorter you can sort one page at a time which concerns me. Only 1 page of results can be sorted at a time?, which is pretty limiting. If you have a query result that spans multiple pages, how you will handle this? If anyone knows better, feel free to correct me if iam incorrect Thanks. ...

Need Help with Jquery TableSorter Pager plugin.

Hi I am using the tablesorter plugin: with jquery 1.4.2 Now my problem is this. The user can dynamically add rows to the table. But this seems to mess up the paging. Like first it gets added to the first "page" of rows but if you would go to the second page and you go back to the first page. You newly recor...

jQuery plugin Tablesorter 2.0 behaves weird

I downloaded the jQuery plugin Tablesorter 2.0 from and modified the example-pager.html which is in tablesorter/docs directory I wrote additional Rollover effects: $(function() { $("table") .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) .tablesor...

Ajax loaded content , jquery plugins not working

Hello, I have a link that calls the ajax to load content, and after the content is loaded, my jquery function doesn't work anymore Here is my HTML <a href="#" onclick="javascript:makeRequest('content.html','');">Load Content</a> <span id="result"> <table id="myTable" valign="top" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <...

jquery: Enable sorting on a table and keeping it sorted while inserting new rows

I have a table with data and I want the user to be able to sort it in different ways. I have tried the tablesorter plugin for jquery, but there are some issues I can't quite figure out of. What I am struggling with is how to insert new rows while keeping the table sorted according to how the user currently have chosen. The best would be...

Tablesorter Pager not working in Safari or Chrome

Hi all. I am building an app using the tablesorter plug-in and it's pager plug-in. Things work perfectly fine in Firefox and IE, but in Safari (4.0.4 on a PC) and Chrome () I get errors when it hits the following code that binds the tablesorter pager. I took the pager binding out and it worked, so something is going wrong somewhere in th...

Jquery Tablesorting Problem - Sort text column case-insensitively

Hi, I am using a Jquery Tablesorter plugin for sorting a table.I want, when I sort the text column, jquery tablesorter consider the lowercase and uppercase text equally means sort text column case-insensitively. How can i do it? ...

JQuery tablesorter - Second click on column header doesn't resort

I'm using tablesorter in on a table I added to a view in django's admin (although I'm not sure this is relevant). I'm extending the html's header: {% block extrahead %} <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="

Simple Grouping With TableSorter Plugin

Im playing around with the Tablesorter plug-in for jQuery and was trying to get a very simple grouping functionality added into it. Using the follow html/js works great until you click sort again and reverse the order. The headers get moved to the bottom of the group when this happens. The following is my (admitedly hacky) attempt at it....

jQuery table sorter with combined rows

Sorry for this title, I didn't know how to describe it better. I have the following table: <tr class="row-vm"> <td>...</td> <td>...</td> ... </tr> <tr class="row-details"> <td colspan="8"> <div class="vmdetail-left"> ... </div> <div class="vmdetail-right"> ... </div> <...

Problem: table sorting and pagination with jquery plugin tablesorter

Hi, I have a table which has 100 rows which also has pagination. each page shows up 10 records. I am using jquery plugins tablesorter and pager. Sorting and pagination work like a charm. Now what I am trying to do is to show up a div when i click on each table cell. when i load the 1st page of the table (i.e: 10 records) it works f...

jQuery Tablesorter - disabled headers show progress bar, sortEnd never triggered

I'm combining Tablesorter's 'disable headers using options' function and the 'trigger sortStart / sortEnd' function and have run into an issue. The following code works fine for the most part, BUT: when you click on a disabled header, the progress-indicating #overlay div appears and never goes away. <script type="text/javascript" id="js...

jQuery Tablesorter - column not sorting alphabetically

I'm not sure what's going wrong here. This is the page: The first column sorts, but it isn't returning data in the correct order (alphabetical). The table itself is being generated by a custom PHP function that pulls info from a WordPress database. I thought that might be the issue,...

On asp:Table Control how do we create a thead ?

From an MSDN article on the subject, we can see that we create a TableHeaderRowthat contains TableHeaderCells. But they add the table header like this: myTable.Row.AddAt(0, headerRow); which outputs the HTML: <table id="Table1" ... > <tr> <th scope="column" abbr="Col 1 Head">Column 1 Header</th> <th scope="column" abbr="Co...