
Using Eclipse TableViewer, how do I navigate and edit cells with arrow keys?

I am using a TableViewer with a content provider, label provider, a ICellModifier and TextCellEditors for each column. How can I add arrow key navigation and cell editing when the user selects the cell? I wopuld like this to be as natural a behavior as possible. After looking at some of the online examples, there seems to be an old way...

Show TableViewer not in line, but in matrix order

I use the TableViewer to show informations in a table. The user can select one of the shown options by selecting one line of the table. I want to create a table in matrix form, in which the user can not only select the line. It should be possible to select every item of the table, like row 2 column 3. For every item selection an action ...

jface TableViewer ViewerCell editElement based on Column

I have set up the Following: tv = new TableViewer(tableComposite, SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.BORDER); ...//labelProvider, Properties, etc. ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy actSupport = new ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy(tv) { protected boolean isEditorActivationEvent( ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent event) { ...

Align an image in a SWT TableViewer

Hey Folks, I just found out, that its somehow impossible to align an image in a swt tableviewer. Creating a TableColumn with SWT.RIGHT (for instance) has no effect on that column if its labelprovider returns an image for it. Question: Is there any other way to align an image instead of modifiying the image file itself and put some extra...

TableViewer, defining an initial sorting order has no effect on data

Hi, pratically I build up a tableviewer as usual, but initially it does not sort all the rows according the column defined for sorting. The code I am using: viewer.getTable().setSortColumn(viewer.getTable().getColumn(4)); viewer.getTable().setSortDirection(SWT.UP); Only after clicking manually the column #4 I obtain the correct order...

Manually trigger the CellEditor in a RCP TableViewer

Hey folks, I'd like to comfort the user by automatically jump to the next cell in a tableviewer, when a previous editing is completed. The user needs to modify start- endtimes in a list of entries. I was wondering how am I supposed to manually (programatically) trigger the CellEditor for a specific cell. I haven't seen that before in Ec...

How to embed a SWT TableViewer in a TabFolder?

I am trying to embed a JFace TableViewer in a SWT TabFolder, but when I do so, the table does not show up. The current (working code) in my GitToDo code looks like (see this Git repos): final Display display = new Display(); final Shell shell = new Shell(display); shell.setText("Git ToDo"); FillLayout layout = new FillLa...

How do I access a TableEditor or an EditingSupport that has been attached to a TableViewer ?

I am currently working on an application that uses a TableViewer in several places to display formatted tabular data. Each table must have an export feature where all its content is exported in an Excel file. In order to avoid unnecessery code duplication, I thought it would be nice to rely upon the viewer framework of SWT and use it to...

Jface tableviewer multi sort columns

dear all, i am implementing a tableviewer that is able to sort values depengin on their column order. e.g. column1-column2-columnX sorts the rows first on the values of column 1, then column 2, column.... Therefore i want to use a ColumnViewerSorter, especially the method "int doCompare(Viewer viewer, Object e1, Object e2);" inside t...

How to bind a TableViewer to a java.util.List in Eclipse RCP

I'm trying to bind a TableViewer to a models = List<ModelObject> , but I don't really get the hang of it. The binding should be possible via master-detail and a databinding context (DataBindingContext), so that I'm able to write the changes of the list (and its elements) to the model only on request (dbc being set to POLICY_ON_REQUES...