
Execute action for automatically unchecked button in Delphi

I have one action I want to perform when a TSpeedButton is pressed and another I want to perform when the same button is "unpressed". I know there's no onunpress event, but is there any easy way for me to get an action to execute when a different button is pressed? procedure ActionName.ActionNameExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Previ...

Delphi: How do I stop TAction shortcut keys autorepeating?

I'm using a Delphi TActionList, with Shortcut Keys for some actions. I want to prevent certain actions from being triggered multiple times by keyboard auto-repeat, but I do not want to affect auto-repeat operation globally. What's the best way of doing this? Clarification: I still need to handle multiple fast keypresses - it's only the...

How to access the checked property of a Delphi 2009 ribbon button on runtime?

I want to reset the "checked" property of all TAction objects of a ribbon to false when clicking on any ribbon button and then only set it true on the pressed button. But I did not yet find a way to access all the "checked" properties of the ActionManager's Actions. I think I need to loop through the actionmanager's actionlist... however...

How can I see who triggered an action in Delphi?

When an action even fires, the "sender" is always the action itself. Usually that's the most useful, but is it somehow possible to find out who triggered the action's onexecute event? Example Let's say you have a form with the following: 2 buttons, called Button1 and Button2 1 TAction called actDoStuff The same action is assigned ...