I am getting this error while resolving delete operation from ClientDatset to TAdoDataset (which bound to access table). I am using Delphi 2010.
My DatasetProvider between TClientDataset and TAdoDataset :
object dspTarifeler: TDataSetProvider
DataSet = DM.qryTarifeler
ResolveToDataSet = True
Options = [poPropogateChan...
Hi guys.
The scenerios is like this:
We have some SQL table. We are perfroming an SQL query on this table and we have results in TADOQuery object.
qryOryginal, qryClone: TADOQuery;
//setup all the things here
qryOryginal.Active := True;
qryClone.Clone(qryOryginal, ltBatchOptimistic);
qryOryginal.Delete; //delete i...
I'm using a dbGo TADODataset in Delphi XE to read data from a SQL Server 2008 table. All the string fields are nvarchar or nchar.
The nvarchar fields map to TWideStringField with no problems.
The problem is with an nchar(1) field, this maps to a TStringField fine but not to a TWideStringField - when I configure the field to be T...