
How Can I Sort an ADO Table on a Fieldname Containing a Space?

I am using Delphi, but this is a simple and general problem: I'm doing the following: var ArticlesTable: TADOTable; begin ArticlesTable.DisableControls; ArticlesTable.Sort := 'CITY'; ArticlesTable.First; while not ArticlesTable.Eof do begin ... ArticlesTable.Next; end; This works very well and allows me to effici...

Delphi: TAdoTable.Insert not really an Insert?

Hi, I have two ADO Tables linked as master/details tables, tblCategory (master) and tblItems (details). Both tables have its own grid, and displayed in the same form. I also have data aware controls (dbedits). Say, currently I'm at: Category=Books, No of Items=10 records, and pointing at record number 5 in the grid. I want to add a new ...

insert to a diffrent table onNewRecord

got an ADOQuery that has OnNewRecord event. on the procedure i try to add data automaticaly to another table. the data is a few rows that are needed and handled in clientDataSet in case of cancellation. at the loc OtherAdoQuery.insert; i get error that ADOQuery failed to insert null into a non null field. i am in insert mode, howev...