
correct use of tag prefix and tag name??

It looks like both TagPrefix and TagName are both required. I'm wondering what the correct usage of each element would be? The code I've got below doesn't look right, as I repeat the name of the control twice... <%@ Register TagPrefix="ucCustomerSearch" TagName="ucCustomerSearch" Src="~/UserControls/IndividualSearch.ascx"%> <%@ Register...

jQuery/javascript replace tag type

Is there an easy way to loop through all td tags and change them to th? (etc). My current approach would be to wrap them with the th and then remove the td, but then I lose other properties etc. ...

In .NET Xml Serialization, is it possible to serialize a class with an enum property with different tags based on property value?

I have a class, containing a list property, where the list contains objects that has an enum property. When I serialize this, it looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ibm850"?> <test> <events> <test-event type="changing" /> <test-event type="changed" /> </events> </test> Is it possible, through attributes, or sim...

Reading a tag name from an IXMLDOMDocument2 object in Delphi

I have something like this: uses MSXML2_TLB; type TDocumentType = (dtOrder, dtInvoice, dtStatus, dtError); // And a few more, actually function DetermineDocumentType(doc: IXMLDOMDocument2): TDocumentType; ... It must do something simple: determine what kind of XML is contained in the doc parameter. The XML could be something like: <Or...

find whether an element exists by a particular tag name in XML

Hi I have an XML file where some sub tags (child node elements) are optional. e.g. <part> <note> </rest> </note> <note> <pitch></pitch> </note> <note> <pitch></pitch> </note> </part> But when I read the XML files by tags, it throws a NullPointerException - since some sub-tags are optional (e.g...