
How can I implement the "tap and hold" behavior in an MFC CListCtrl?

How can I implement the "tap and hold" behavior in an MFC CListCtrl? I have an MFC CListCtrl in a CDialog and I need to add to the CListCtrl the "tap and hold" behavior. That is what I mean for "tap and hold": If the user clicks (a "standard" click with the left button of the mouse) on a CListCtrl item then function A will be called. ...

Timers / Tap and Hold gesture problem in .NET CF

Hey, Ive encountered some strange behaviour in my .NET CF 2.0 application running on Windows CE 5.0. I have a timer updating a control periodically, that control can also receive Tap and Hold gestures from the user (in the mouse down handler). What I am finding is that when a TAH begins (but before it exits) a timer event can begin pro...

Tap and Hold (Long Press) in Windows Phone 7

Has anyone implemented Tap & Hold in a Windows Phone 7 App yet? I can see a couple of possible approaches KeyDown/KeyUp and a timer or ManipulationStarted/manipulationCompleted and a timer. However it strikes me that this is a less than idea approach because different apps would have different timer settings leading to inconsistency. Am ...