
Array stores name retrieved from GetVolumeInformation weirdly in Visual C++?

Hello, I would like to use the GetVolumeInformation call to retrieve the name of a removable device. I can retrieve the name just fine and store into a TCHAR array variable szVolNameBuff. Here is my code for that: // Get Volume Information to check for NTFS or FAT TCHAR szFileSys[256]; TCHAR szVolNameBuff[256]; DWORD dwSerial ...

win32 c++ fstream wide argument

See link for what I'm talking about. I want to use point 1 in the link and #define tfopen _wfopen #define _T(s) L##s to do exactly what the link says is possible: std::ifstream file( tfopen("filename.txt", _T("r") ); But gcc (mingw) 4.4 says there's no matching call... Am I doing it wrong or is the info in the link above incorre...

Sending TCHAR buffer with send(sock, wszBuffer, ...)?

I have a wide-character XML message that I need to send over a Win32 socket in C++. TCHAR wszBuffer[1024]; Should I sprintf(szSendBuffer, "%S", wszBuffer) the wide character buffer to a char array before sending it? What is the correct way to send this? ...

C++ TCHAR[] to string

Hello everyone I have this method which receives a path through a TCHAR szFileName[] variable, which contains something like C:\app\...\Failed\ I'd like to sort through it so I can verify if the name of the last folder on that path is in fact, "Failed" I thought that using something like this would work: std::wstring Path = szFileNam...

C++ tstring compare

hello again I have this variable dirpath2 where I store the deepest directory name of a path: typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring; tstring dirPath = destPath; tstring dirpath2 = dirPath.substr(destPathLenght - 7,destPathLenght - 1); I want to be able to compare it it another string, something like: if ( _tcscmp(dirpath2,failed)...

How can I substring a TCHAR

I have a TCHAR and value as below: TCHAR szDestPathRoot[MAX_PATH]="String This"; Now I want the 1st three character from TCHAR , like below: szDestPathRoot.substring(0,2); How can I do this. ...